#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # # A script that imports text ebtables rules. Similar to iptables-restore. # It can be used to restore configuration from /etc/sysconfig/ebtables. # use strict; my $tool = "/sbin/arptables"; my $table; my $rc; my $line; # ============================== # clear_arptables # - sets policy to accept # - flushes chains # - removes custom chains # ============================== sub clear_arptables { $rc = `$tool -P INPUT ACCEPT`; unless($? == 0) { print "ERROR: $rc\n"; exit -1 }; $rc = `$tool -P FORWARD ACCEPT`; unless($? == 0) { print "ERROR: $rc\n"; exit -1 }; $rc = `$tool -P OUTPUT ACCEPT`; unless($? == 0) { print "ERROR: $rc\n"; exit -1 }; $rc = `$tool -F`; unless($? == 0) { print "ERROR: $rc\n"; exit -1 }; $rc = `$tool -L`; unless($? == 0) { print "ERROR: $rc\n"; exit -1 }; foreach $line (split("\n",$rc)) { unless ($line =~ m/Chain\s(.*?)\s\(.*references\)/) { next; } $rc = `$tool -X $1`; unless($? == 0) { print "ERROR: $rc\n"; exit -1 }; } } # ============================== unless (-x $tool) { print "ERROR: $tool isn't executable\n"; exit -1; }; &clear_arptables(); $line = 0; while(<>) { $line++; if(m/^#/) { next; }; if(m/^$/) { next; }; if(m/^\*(.*)/) { $table = $1; next; } # Process a chain directive if(m/^\:(.*?)\s(.*)/) { # is it a user or a built in chain ? if ("$2" eq "-") { $rc = `$tool -t $table -N $1`; unless($? == 0) {print "ERROR(line $line): $rc\n"; exit -1}; next; } $rc = `$tool -t $table -P $1 $2`; unless($? == 0) {print "ERROR(line $line): $rc\n"; exit -1}; next; } $rc = `$tool -t $table $_`; unless($? == 0) {print "ERROR(line $line): $rc\n"; exit -1}; }