#include #include #include #include #include #include "../include/ebtables_u.h" #include static int mac_supplied; #define REPLY_MAC '1' #define REPLY_TARGET '2' static struct option opts[] = { { "arpreply-mac" , required_argument, 0, REPLY_MAC }, { "arpreply-target" , required_argument, 0, REPLY_TARGET }, { 0 } }; static void print_help() { printf( "arpreply target options:\n" " --arpreply-mac address : source MAC of generated reply\n" " --arpreply-target target : ACCEPT, DROP, RETURN or CONTINUE\n" " (standard target is DROP)\n"); } static void init(struct ebt_entry_target *target) { struct ebt_arpreply_info *replyinfo = (struct ebt_arpreply_info *)target->data; replyinfo->target = EBT_DROP; memset(replyinfo->mac, 0, ETH_ALEN); mac_supplied = 0; } #define OPT_REPLY_MAC 0x01 #define OPT_REPLY_TARGET 0x02 static int parse(int c, char **argv, int argc, const struct ebt_u_entry *entry, unsigned int *flags, struct ebt_entry_target **target) { struct ebt_arpreply_info *replyinfo = (struct ebt_arpreply_info *)(*target)->data; struct ether_addr *addr; switch (c) { case REPLY_MAC: ebt_check_option(flags, OPT_REPLY_MAC); if (!(addr = ether_aton(optarg))) print_error("Problem with specified " "--arpreply-mac mac"); memcpy(replyinfo->mac, addr, ETH_ALEN); mac_supplied = 1; break; case REPLY_TARGET: ebt_check_option(flags, OPT_REPLY_TARGET); if (FILL_TARGET(optarg, replyinfo->target)) print_error("Illegal --arpreply-target target"); break; default: return 0; } return 1; } static void final_check(const struct ebt_u_entry *entry, const struct ebt_entry_target *target, const char *name, unsigned int hookmask, unsigned int time) { struct ebt_arpreply_info *replyinfo = (struct ebt_arpreply_info *)target->data; if (entry->ethproto != ETH_P_ARP || entry->invflags & EBT_IPROTO) print_error("For ARP replying the protocol must be " "specified as ARP"); if (time == 0 && mac_supplied == 0) print_error("No arpreply mac supplied"); if (BASE_CHAIN && replyinfo->target == EBT_RETURN) print_error("--arpreply-target RETURN not allowed on " "base chain"); CLEAR_BASE_CHAIN_BIT; if (strcmp(name, "nat") || hookmask & ~(1 << NF_BR_PRE_ROUTING)) print_error("arpreply only allowed in PREROUTING"); } static void print(const struct ebt_u_entry *entry, const struct ebt_entry_target *target) { struct ebt_arpreply_info *replyinfo = (struct ebt_arpreply_info *)target->data; printf("--arpreply-mac "); ebt_print_mac(replyinfo->mac); if (replyinfo->target == EBT_DROP) return; printf(" --arpreply-target %s", TARGET_NAME(replyinfo->target)); } static int compare(const struct ebt_entry_target *t1, const struct ebt_entry_target *t2) { struct ebt_arpreply_info *replyinfo1 = (struct ebt_arpreply_info *)t1->data; struct ebt_arpreply_info *replyinfo2 = (struct ebt_arpreply_info *)t2->data; return memcmp(replyinfo1->mac, replyinfo2->mac, ETH_ALEN) == 0 && replyinfo1->target == replyinfo2->target; } static struct ebt_u_target arpreply_target = { .name = EBT_ARPREPLY_TARGET, .size = sizeof(struct ebt_arpreply_info), .help = print_help, .init = init, .parse = parse, .final_check = final_check, .print = print, .compare = compare, .extra_ops = opts, }; static void _init(void) __attribute__ ((constructor)); static void _init(void) { ebt_register_target(&arpreply_target); }