/* * ebtables ebt_pkttype * * Authors: * Bart De Schuymer * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "../include/ebtables_u.h" #include #include char *classes[] = { "host", "broadcast", "multicast", "otherhost", "outgoing", "loopback", "fastroute", "\0" }; static struct option opts[] = { { "pkttype-type" , required_argument, 0, '1' }, { 0 } }; static void print_help() { printf( "pkttype options:\n" "--pkttype-type [!] type: class the packet belongs to\n" "Possible values: broadcast, multicast, host, otherhost any byte value.\n"); } static void init(struct ebt_entry_match *match) { struct ebt_pkttype_info *pt = (struct ebt_pkttype_info *)match->data; pt->invert = 0; } static int parse(int c, char **argv, int argc, const struct ebt_u_entry *entry, unsigned int *flags, struct ebt_entry_match **match) { struct ebt_pkttype_info *ptinfo = (struct ebt_pkttype_info *)(*match)->data; char *end; long int i; switch (c) { case '1': ebt_check_option(flags, 1); if (ebt_check_inverse(optarg)) ptinfo->invert = 1; if (optind > argc) print_error("Missing pkttype class specification"); i = strtol(argv[optind - 1], &end, 16); if (*end != '\0') { int j = 0; i = -1; while (classes[j][0]) if (!strcasecmp(argv[optind - 1], classes[j++])) { i = j - 1; break; } } if (i < 0 || i > 255) print_error("Problem with specified pkttype class"); ptinfo->pkt_type = (uint8_t)i; break; default: return 0; } return 1; } static void final_check(const struct ebt_u_entry *entry, const struct ebt_entry_match *match, const char *name, unsigned int hookmask, unsigned int time) { } static void print(const struct ebt_u_entry *entry, const struct ebt_entry_match *match) { struct ebt_pkttype_info *pt = (struct ebt_pkttype_info *)match->data; int i = 0; printf("--pkttype-type %s", pt->invert ? "! " : ""); while (classes[i++][0]); if (pt->pkt_type < i - 1) printf("%s ", classes[pt->pkt_type]); else printf("%d ", pt->pkt_type); } static int compare(const struct ebt_entry_match *m1, const struct ebt_entry_match *m2) { struct ebt_pkttype_info *pt1 = (struct ebt_pkttype_info *)m1->data; struct ebt_pkttype_info *pt2 = (struct ebt_pkttype_info *)m2->data; if (pt1->invert != pt2->invert || pt1->pkt_type != pt2->pkt_type) return 0; return 1; } static struct ebt_u_match pkttype_match = { .name = EBT_PKTTYPE_MATCH, .size = sizeof(struct ebt_pkttype_info), .help = print_help, .init = init, .parse = parse, .final_check = final_check, .print = print, .compare = compare, .extra_ops = opts, }; static void _init(void) __attribute((constructor)); static void _init(void) { ebt_register_match(&pkttype_match); }