#!/usr/bin/env python3 # encoding: utf-8 import os import sys import shlex import argparse from subprocess import Popen, PIPE keywords = ("iptables-translate", "ip6tables-translate") if sys.stdout.isatty(): colors = {"magenta": "\033[95m", "green": "\033[92m", "yellow": "\033[93m", "red": "\033[91m", "end": "\033[0m"} else: colors = {"magenta": "", "green": "", "yellow": "", "red": "", "end": ""} def magenta(string): return colors["magenta"] + string + colors["end"] def red(string): return colors["red"] + string + colors["end"] def yellow(string): return colors["yellow"] + string + colors["end"] def green(string): return colors["green"] + string + colors["end"] def run_test(name, payload): test_passed = True result = [] result.append(yellow("## " + name.replace(".txlate", ""))) for line in payload: if line.startswith(keywords): process = Popen(shlex.split(line), stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) (output, error) = process.communicate() if process.returncode == 0: translation = output.decode("utf-8").rstrip(" \n") expected = next(payload).rstrip(" \n") if translation != expected: result.append(red("Fail")) result.append(magenta("src: ") + line.rstrip(" \n")) result.append(magenta("exp: ") + expected) result.append(magenta("res: ") + translation + "\n") test_passed = False elif args.all: result.append(green("Ok")) result.append(magenta("src: ") + line.rstrip(" \n")) result.append(magenta("res: ") + translation + "\n") else: test_passed = False result.append(red("Error: ") + "iptables-translate failure") result.append(error.decode("utf-8")) if not test_passed or args.all: print("\n".join(result)) def load_test_files(): for test in sorted(os.listdir("extensions")): if test.endswith(".txlate"): with open("extensions/" + test, "r") as payload: run_test(test, payload) def main(): if args.test: if not args.test.endswith(".txlate"): args.test += ".txlate" try: with open("extensions/" + args.test, "r") as payload: run_test(args.test, payload) except IOError: print(red("Error: ") + "test file does not exist") else: load_test_files() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--all", action="store_true", help="show also passed tests") parser.add_argument("test", nargs="?", help="run only the specified test file") args = parser.parse_args() main()