libnftables-json(5) =================== Phil Sutter :doctype: manpage :compat-mode!: == NAME libnftables-json - Supported JSON schema by libnftables == SYNOPSIS *{ "nftables": [* 'OBJECTS' *] }* 'OBJECTS' := 'LIST_OBJECTS' | 'CMD_OBJECTS' 'LIST_OBJECTS' := 'LIST_OBJECT' [ *,* 'LIST_OBJECTS' ] 'CMD_OBJECTS' := 'CMD_OBJECT' [ *,* 'CMD_OBJECTS' ] 'CMD_OBJECT' := *{* 'CMD'*:* 'LIST_OBJECT' *}* 'CMD' := *"add"* | *"replace"* | *"create"* | *"insert"* | *"delete"* | *"list"* | *"reset"* | *"flush"* | *"rename"* 'LIST_OBJECT' := 'TABLE' | 'CHAIN' | 'RULE' | 'SET' | 'MAP' | 'ELEMENT' | 'FLOWTABLE' | 'COUNTER' | 'QUOTA' | 'CT_HELPER' | 'LIMIT' 'TABLE' := *{ "table":* 'TABLE_PROPERTIES' *}* 'TABLE_PROPERTIES' := 'TABLE_PROPERTY' [ *,* 'TABLE_PROPERTIES' ] 'TABLE_PROPERTY' := 'FAMILY' | 'NAME' | 'HANDLE' 'FAMILY' := *"family":* 'FAMILY_VALUE' 'FAMILY_VALUE' := *"ip"* | *"ip6"* | *"inet"* | *"bridge"* | *"arp"* 'NAME' := *"name":* 'STRING' 'HANDLE' := *"handle":* 'NUMBER' == DESCRIPTION libnftables supports JSON formatted input and output. This is implemented as an alternative frontend to the standard CLI syntax parser, therefore basic behaviour is identical and for (almost) any operation available in standard syntax there should be an equivalent one in JSON. JSON input may be provided in a single string as parameter to *nft_run_cmd_from_buffer()* or in a file identified by the 'filename' parameter of *nft_run_cmd_from_filename()* function. JSON output has to be enabled via *nft_ctx_output_set_json()* function, turning library standard output into JSON format. Error output remains unaffected. == GLOBAL STRUCTURE In general, any JSON input or output is enclosed in an object with a single property named 'nftables'. It's value is an array containing commands (for input) or ruleset elements (for output). A command is an object with a single property whose name identifies the command. It's value is a ruleset element - basically identical to output elements apart from certain properties which may be interpreted differently or are required when output generally omits them. == COMMAND OBJECTS The structure accepts an arbitrary amount of commands which are interpreted in order of appearance. For instance, the following standard syntax input: ---- flush ruleset add table inet mytable add chain inet mytable mychain add rule inet mytable mychain tcp dport 22 accept ---- translates into JSON as such: ---- { "nftables": [ { "flush": { "ruleset": null }}, { "add": { "table": { "family": "inet", "name": "mytable" }}}, { "add": { "chain": { "family": "inet", "table": "mytable", "chain": "mychain" }}} { "add": { "rule": { "family": "inet", "table": "mytable", "chain": "mychain", "expr": [ { "match": { "left": { "payload": { "name": "tcp", "field": "dport" }}, "right": 22 }}, { "accept": null } ] }}} ]} ---- === ADD [verse] ____ *{ "add":* 'ADD_OBJECT' *}* 'ADD_OBJECT' := 'TABLE' | 'CHAIN' | 'RULE' | 'SET' | 'MAP' | 'ELEMENT' | 'FLOWTABLE' | 'COUNTER | QUOTA' | 'CT_HELPER' | 'LIMIT' ____ Add a new ruleset element to the kernel. === REPLACE [verse] *{ "replace":* 'RULE' *}* Replace a rule. In 'RULE', *handle* property is mandatory and identifies the rule to be replaced. === CREATE [verse] *{ "create":* 'ADD_OBJECT' *}* Identical to *add* command, but returns an error if the object already exists. === INSERT [verse] *{ "insert":* 'RULE' *}* This command is identical to *add* for rules, but instead of appending the rule to the chain by default, it inserts at first position. If a *handle* or *index* property is given, the rule is inserted before the rule identified by those properties. === DELETE [verse] *{ "delete":* 'ADD_OBJECT' *}* Delete an object from the ruleset. Only the minimal number of properties required to uniquely identify an object is generally needed in 'ADD_OBJECT'. For most ruleset elements this is *family* and *table* plus either *handle* or *name* (except rules since they don't have a name). === LIST [verse] ____ *{ "list":* 'LIST_OBJECT' *}* 'LIST_OBJECT' := 'TABLE' | 'TABLES' | 'CHAIN' | 'CHAINS' | 'SET' | 'SETS' | 'MAP' | 'MAPS | COUNTER' | 'COUNTERS' | 'QUOTA' | 'QUOTAS' | 'CT_HELPER' | 'CT_HELPERS' | 'LIMIT' | 'LIMITS | RULESET' | 'METER' | 'METERS' | 'FLOWTABLES' ____ List ruleset elements. The plural forms are used to list all objects of that kind, optionally filtered by *family* and for some, also *table*. === RESET [verse] ____ *{ "reset":* 'RESET_OBJECT' *}* 'RESET_OBJECT' := 'COUNTER' | 'COUNTERS' | 'QUOTA' | 'QUOTAS' ____ Reset state in suitable objects, i.e. zero their internal counter. === FLUSH [verse] ____ *{ "flush":* 'FLUSH_OBJECT' *}* 'FLUSH_OBJECT' := 'TABLE' | 'CHAIN' | 'SET' | 'MAP' | 'METER' | 'RULESET' ____ Empty contents in given object, e.g. remove all chains from given *table* or remove all elements from given *set*. === RENAME [verse] *{ "rename":* 'CHAIN' *}* Rename a chain. The new name is expected in a dedicated property named *newname*. == RULESET ELEMENTS === TABLE [verse] *{ "table": "family":* 'STRING'*, "name":* 'STRING'*, "handle":* 'NUMBER' *}* This object describes a table. *family*:: The table's family, e.g. *"ip"* or *"ip6"*. *name*:: The table's name. *handle*:: The table's handle. In input, used only in *delete* command as alternative to *name*. === CHAIN [verse] *{ "chain": "family":* 'STRING'*, "table":* 'STRING'*, "name":* 'STRING'*, "newname":* 'STRING'*, "handle":* 'NUMBER'*, "type":* 'STRING'*, "hook":* 'STRING'*, "prio":* 'NUMBER'*, "dev":* 'STRING'*, "policy":* 'STRING' *}* This object describes a chain. *family*:: The table's family. *table*:: The table's name. *name*:: The chain's name. *handle*:: The chain's handle. In input, used only in *delete* command as alternative to *name*. *newname*:: A new name for the chain, only relevant in *rename* command. The following properties are required for base chains: *type*:: The chain's type. *hook*:: The chain's hook. *prio*:: The chain's priority. *dev*:: The chain's bound interface (if in netdev family). *policy*:: The chain's policy. === RULE [verse] ____ *{ "rule": "family":* 'STRING'*, "table":* 'STRING'*, "chain":* 'STRING'*, "expr": [* 'STATEMENTS' *], "handle":* 'NUMBER'*, "index":* 'NUMBER'*, "comment":* 'STRING' *}* 'STATEMENTS' := 'STATEMENT' [*,* 'STATEMENTS' ] ____ This object describes a rule. Basic building blocks of rules are statements, each rule consists of at least a single one. *family*:: The table's family. *table*:: The table's name. *chain*:: The chain's name. *expr*:: An array of statements this rule consists of. In input, used in *add*/*insert*/*replace* commands only. *handle*:: The rule's handle. In *delete*/*replace* commands, serves as identifier of the rule to delete/replace. In *add*/*insert* commands, serves as identifier of an existing rule to append/prepend the rule to. *index*:: The rule's position for *add*/*insert* commands. Used as alternative to *handle* then. *comment*:: Optional rule comment. === SET / MAP [verse] ____ *{ "set": "family":* 'STRING'*, "table":* 'STRING'*, "name":* 'STRING'*, "handle":* 'NUMBER'*, "type":* 'SET_TYPE'*, "policy":* 'SET_POLICY'*, "flags": [* 'SET_FLAG_LIST' *], "elem":* 'SET_ELEMENTS'*, "timeout":* 'NUMBER'*, "gc-interval":* 'NUMBER'*, "size":* 'NUMBER' *}* *{ "map": "family":* 'STRING'*, "table":* 'STRING'*, "name":* 'STRING'*, "handle":* 'NUMBER'*, "type":* 'SET_TYPE'*, "map":* 'STRING'*, "policy":* 'SET_POLICY'*, "flags": [* 'SET_FLAG_LIST' *], "elem":* 'SET_ELEMENTS'*, "timeout":* 'NUMBER'*, "gc-interval":* 'NUMBER'*, "size":* 'NUMBER' *}* 'SET_TYPE' := 'STRING' | *[* 'SET_TYPE_LIST' *]* 'SET_TYPE_LIST' := 'STRING' [*,* 'SET_TYPE_LIST' ] 'SET_POLICY' := *"performance"* | *"memory"* 'SET_FLAG_LIST' := 'SET_FLAG' [*,* 'SET_FLAG_LIST' ] 'SET_FLAG' := *"constant"* | *"interval"* | *"timeout"* 'SET_ELEMENTS' := 'EXPRESSION' | *[* 'EXPRESSION_LIST' *]* 'EXPRESSION_LIST' := 'EXPRESSION' [*,* 'EXPRESSION_LIST' ] ____ These objects describe a named set or map. Maps are a special form of sets in that they translate a unique key to a value. *family*:: The table's family. *table*:: The table's name. *name*:: The set's name. *handle*:: The set's handle. For input, used in *delete* command only. *type*:: The set's datatype, see below. *map*:: Type of values this set maps to (i.e. this set is a map). *policy*:: The set's policy. *flags*:: The set's flags. *elem*:: Initial set element(s), see below. *timeout*:: Element timeout in seconds. *gc-interval*:: Garbage collector interval in seconds. *size*:: Maximum number of elements supported. ==== TYPE The set type might be a string, such as *"ipv4_addr"* or an array consisting of strings (for concatenated types). ==== ELEM A single set element might be given as string, integer or boolean value for simple cases. If additional properties are required, a formal *elem* object may be used. Multiple elements may be given in an array. === ELEMENT [verse] ____ *{ "element": "family":* 'STRING'*, "table":* 'STRING'*, "name":* 'STRING'*, "elem":* 'SET_ELEM' *}* 'SET_ELEM' := 'EXPRESSION' | *[* 'EXPRESSION_LIST' *]* 'EXPRESSION_LIST' := 'EXPRESSION' [*,* 'EXPRESSION' ] ____ Manipulate element(s) in a named set. *family*:: The table's family. *table*:: The table's name. *name*:: The set's name. *elem*:: See elem property of set object. === FLOWTABLE [verse] ____ *{ "flowtable": "family":* 'STRING'*, "table":* 'STRING'*, "name":* 'STRING'*, "hook":* 'STRING'*, "prio":* 'NUMBER'*, "dev":* 'FT_INTERFACE' *}* 'FT_INTERFACE' := 'STRING' | *[* 'FT_INTERFACE_LIST' *]* 'FT_INTERFACE_LIST' := 'STRING' [*,* 'STRING' ] ____ This object represents a named flowtable. *family*:: The table's family. *table*:: The table's name. *name*:: The flow table's name. *hook*:: The flow table's hook. *prio*:: The flow table's priority. *dev*:: The flow table's interface(s). === COUNTER [verse] *{ "counter": "family":* 'STRING'*, "table":* 'STRING'*, "name":* 'STRING'*, "handle":* 'NUMBER'*, "packets":* 'NUMBER'*, "bytes":* 'NUMBER' *}* This object represents a named counter. *family*:: The table's family. *table*:: The table's name. *name*:: The counter's name. *handle*:: The counter's handle. In input, used for *delete* command only. *packets*:: Packet counter value. *bytes*:: Byte counter value. === QUOTA [verse] *{ "quota": "family":* 'STRING'*, "table":* 'STRING'*, "name":* 'STRING'*, "handle":* 'NUMBER'*, "bytes":* 'NUMBER'*, "used":* 'NUMBER'*, "inv":* 'BOOLEAN' *}* This object represents a named quota. *family*:: The table's family. *table*:: The table's name. *name*:: The quota's name. *handle*:: The quota's handle. In input, used for *delete* command only. *bytes*:: Quota threshold. *used*:: Quota used so far. *inv*:: If true, match if quota exceeded. === CT HELPER [verse] ____ *{ "ct helper": "family":* 'STRING'*, "table":* 'STRING'*, "name":* 'STRING'*, "handle":* '... '*, "type":* 'STRING'*, "protocol":* 'CTH_PROTO'*, "l3proto":* 'STRING' *}* 'CTH_PROTO' := *"tcp"* | *"udp"* ____ This object represents a named conntrack helper. *family*:: The table's family. *table*:: The table's name. *name*:: The ct helper's name. *handle*:: The ct helper's handle. In input, used for *delete* command only. *type*:: The ct helper type name, e.g. *"ftp"* or *"tftp"*. *protocol*:: The ct helper's layer 4 protocol. *l3proto*:: The ct helper's layer 3 protocol, e.g. *"ip"* or *"ip6"*. === LIMIT [verse] ____ *{ "limit": "family":* 'STRING'*, "table":* 'STRING'*, "name":* 'STRING'*, "handle":* 'NUMBER'*, "rate":* 'NUMBER'*, "per":* 'STRING'*, "burst":* 'NUMBER'*, "unit":* 'LIMIT_UNIT'*, "inv":* 'BOOLEAN' *}* 'LIMIT_UNIT' := *"packets"* | *"bytes"* ____ This object represents a named limit. *family*:: The table's family. *table*:: The table's name. *name*:: The limit's name. *handle*:: The limit's handle. In input, used for *delete* command only. *rate*:: The limit's rate value. *per*:: Time unit to apply the limit to, e.g. *"week"*, *"day"*, *"hour"*, etc. If omitted, defaults to *"second"*. *burst*:: The limit's burst value. If omitted, defaults to *0*. *unit*:: Unit of rate and burst values. If omitted, defaults to *"packets"*. *inv*:: If true, match if limit was exceeded. If omitted, defaults to *false*. == STATEMENTS Statements are the building blocks for rules. Each rule consists of at least a single statement. === VERDICT [verse] *{ "accept": null }* *{ "drop": null }* *{ "continue": null }* *{ "return": null }* *{ "jump":* 'STRING' *}* *{ "goto":* 'STRING' *}* A verdict either terminates packet traversal through the current chain or delegates to a different one. *jump* and *goto* statements expect a target chain name as value. === MATCH [verse] *{ "match": "left":* 'EXPRESSION'*, "right":* 'EXPRESSION'*, "op":* 'STRING' *}* Match expression on left hand side (typically a packet header or packet meta info) with expression on right hand side (typically a constant value). If the statement evaluates true, the next statement in this rule is considered. If not, processing continues with the next rule in the same chain. *left*:: Left hand side of this match. *right*:: Right hand side of this match. *op*:: Operator indicating the type of comparison. ==== OPERATORS The operator is usually optional and if omitted usually defaults to "==". Allowed operators are: [horizontal] *&*:: Binary AND *|*:: Binary OR *^*:: Binary XOR *<<*:: Left shift *>>*:: Right shift *==*:: Equal *!=*:: Not equal *<*:: Less than *>*:: Greater than *<=*:: Less than or equal to *>=*:: Greater than or equal to === COUNTER [verse] ____ *{ "counter": "packets":* 'NUMBER'*, "bytes":* 'NUMBER' *}* *{ "counter":* 'STRING' *}* ____ This object represents a byte/packet counter. In Input, no properties are required. If given, they act as initial values for the counter. The first form creates an anonymous counter which lives in the rule it appears in. The second form specifies a reference to a named counter object. *packets*:: Packets counted. *bytes*:: Bytes counted. === MANGLE [verse] *{ "mangle": "left":* 'EXPRESSION'*, "right":* 'EXPRESSION' *}* Change packet data or meta info. *left*:: Packet data to be changed. *right*:: Value to change data to. === QUOTA [verse] ____ *{ "quota": "val":* 'NUMBER'*, "val_unit":* 'STRING'*, "used":* 'NUMBER'*, "used_unit":* 'STRING'*, "inv":* 'BOOLEAN' *}* *{ "quota":* 'STRING' *}* ____ The first form creates an anonymous quota which lives in the rule it appears in. The second form specifies a reference to a named quota object. *val*:: Quota value. *val_unit*:: Unit of *val*, e.g. *"kbytes"* or *"mbytes"*. If omitted, defaults to *"bytes"*. *used*:: Quota used so far. Optional on input. If given, serves as initial value. *used_unit*:: Unit of *used*. Defaults to *"bytes"*. *inv*:: If *true*, will match if quota was exceeded. Defaults to *false*. === LIMIT [verse] ____ *{ "limit": "rate":* 'NUMBER'*, "rate_unit":* 'STRING'*, "per":* 'STRING'*, "burst":* 'NUMBER'*, "burst_unit":* 'STRING'*, "inv":* 'BOOLEAN' *}* *{ "limit":* 'STRING' *}* ____ The first form creates an anonymous limit which lives in the rule it appears in. The second form specifies a reference to a named limit object. *rate*:: Rate value to limit to. *rate_unit*:: Unit of *rate*, e.g. *"packets"* or *"mbytes"*. Defaults to *"packets"*. *per*:: Denominator of *rate*, e.g. *"week"* or *"minutes"*. *burst*:: Burst value. Defaults to *0*. *burst_unit*:: Unit of *burst*, ignored if *rate_unit* is *"packets"*. Defaults to *"bytes"*. *inv*:: If *true*, matches if limit was exceeded. Defaults to *false*. === FWD [verse] ____ *{ "fwd": "dev":* 'EXPRESSION'*, "family":* 'FWD_FAMILY'*, "addr":* 'EXPRESSION' *}* 'FWD_FAMILY' := *"ip"* | *"ip6"* ____ Forward a packet to a different destination. *dev*:: Interface to forward packet to. *family*:: Family of *addr*. *addr*:: IP(v6) address to forward the packet to. Both *family* and *addr* are optional, but if given both need to be present. === NOTRACK [verse] *{ "notrack": null }* Disable connection tracking for the packet. === DUP [verse] *{ "dup": "addr":* 'EXPRESSION'*, "dev":* 'EXPRESSION' *}* Duplicate a packet to a different destination. *addr*:: Address to duplicate packet to. *dev*:: Interface to duplicate packet to. May be omitted to not specify an interface explicitly. === NETWORK ADDRESS TRANSLATION [verse] ____ *{ "snat": "addr":* 'EXPRESSION'*, "port":* 'EXPRESSION'*, "flags":* 'FLAGS' *}* *{ "dnat": "addr":* 'EXPRESSION'*, "port":* 'EXPRESSION'*, "flags":* 'FLAGS' *}* *{ "masquerade": "port":* 'EXPRESSION'*, "flags":* 'FLAGS' *}* *{ "redirect": "port":* 'EXPRESSION'*, "flags":* 'FLAGS' *}* 'FLAGS' := 'FLAG' | *[* 'FLAG_LIST' *]* 'FLAG_LIST' := 'FLAG' [*,* 'FLAG_LIST' ] 'FLAG' := *"random"* | *"fully-random"* | *"persistent"* ____ Perform Network Address Translation. *addr*:: Address to translate to. *port*:: Port to translate to. *flags*:: Flag(s). All properties are optional and default to none. === REJECT [verse] *{ "reject": "type":* 'STRING'*, "expr":* 'EXPRESSION' *}* Reject the packet and send the given error reply. *type*:: Type of reject, either *"tcp reset"*, *"icmpx"*, *"icmp"* or *"icmpv6"*. *expr*:: ICMP type to reject with. All properties are optional. === SET [verse] *{ "set": "op":* 'STRING'*, "elem":* 'EXPRESSION'*, "set":* 'STRING' *}* Dynamically add/update elements to a set. *op*:: Operator on set, either *"add"* or *"update"*. *elem*:: Set element to add or update. *set*:: Set reference. === LOG [verse] ____ *{ "log": "prefix":* 'STRING'*, "group":* 'NUMBER'*, "snaplen":* 'NUMBER'*, "queue-threshold":* 'NUMBER'*, "level":* 'LEVEL'*, "flags":* 'FLAGS' *}* 'LEVEL' := *"emerg"* | *"alert"* | *"crit"* | *"err"* | *"warn"* | *"notice"* | *"info"* | *"debug"* | *"audit"* 'FLAGS' := 'FLAG' | *[* 'FLAG_LIST' *]* 'FLAG_LIST' := 'FLAG' [*,* 'FLAG_LIST' ] 'FLAG' := *"tcp sequence"* | *"tcp options"* | *"ip options"* | *"skuid"* | *"ether"* | *"all"* ____ Log the packet. *prefix*:: Prefix for log entries. *group*:: Log group. *snaplen*:: Snaplen for logging. *queue-threshold*:: Queue threshold. *level*:: Log level. Defaults to *"warn"*. *flags*:: Log flags. All properties are optional. === CT HELPER [verse] *{ "ct helper":* 'EXPRESSION' *}* Enable specified conntrack helper for this packet. *ct helper*:: CT helper reference. === METER [verse] *{ "meter": "name":* 'STRING'*, "key":* 'EXPRESSION'*, "stmt":* 'STATEMENT' *}* Apply given statement using a meter. *name*:: Meter name. *key*:: Meter key. *stmt*:: Meter statement. === QUEUE [verse] ____ *{ "queue": "num":* 'EXPRESSION'*, "flags":* 'FLAGS' *}* 'FLAGS' := 'FLAG' | *[* 'FLAG_LIST' *]* 'FLAG_LIST' := 'FLAG' [*,* 'FLAG_LIST' ] 'FLAG' := *"bypass"* | *"fanout"* ____ Queue the packet to userspace. *num*:: Queue number. *flags*:: Queue flags. === VERDICT MAP [verse] *{ "vmap": "left":* 'EXPRESSION'*, "right":* 'EXPRESSION' *}* Apply a verdict conditionally. *left*:: Map key. *right*:: Mapping expression consisting of value/verdict pairs. === CT COUNT [verse] *{ "ct count": "val":* 'NUMBER'*, "inv":* 'BOOLEAN' *}* Limit number of connections using conntrack. *val*:: Connection count threshold. *inv*:: If *true*, match if *val* was exceeded. If omitted, defaults to *false*. == EXPRESSIONS Expressions are the building blocks of (most) statements. In their most basic form, they are just immediate values represented as JSON string, integer or boolean types. === IMMEDIATES [verse] 'STRING' 'NUMBER' 'BOOLEAN' Immediate expressions are typically used for constant values. For strings, there are two special cases: *@STRING*:: The remaining part is taken as set name to create a set reference. *\**:: Construct a wildcard expression. === LISTS [verse] 'ARRAY' List expressions are constructed by plain arrays containing of an arbitrary number of expressions. === CONCAT [verse] ____ *{ "concat":* 'CONCAT' *}* 'CONCAT' := *[* 'EXPRESSION_LIST' *]* 'EXPRESSION_LIST' := 'EXPRESSION' [*,* 'EXPRESSION_LIST' ] ____ Concatenate several expressions. === SET [verse] ____ *{ "set":* 'SET' *}* 'SET' := 'EXPRESSION' | *[* 'EXPRESSION_LIST' *]* ____ This object constructs an anonymous set. For mappings, an array of arrays with exactly two elements is expected. === MAP [verse] *{ "map": "left":* 'EXPRESSION'*, "right":* 'EXPRESSION' *}* Map a key to a value. *left*:: Map key. *right*:: Mapping expression consisting of value/target pairs. === PREFIX [verse] *{ "prefix": "addr":* 'EXPRESSION'*, "len":* 'NUMBER' *}* Construct an IPv4 or IPv6 prefix consisting of address part in *addr* and prefix length in *len*. === RANGE [verse] *{ "range": [* 'EXPRESSION' *,* 'EXPRESSION' *] }* Construct a range of values. The first array item denotes the lower boundary, the second one the upper boundary. === PAYLOAD [verse] ____ *{ "payload": "name": "raw", "base":* 'BASE'*, "offset":* 'NUMBER'*, "len":* 'NUMBER' *}* *{ "payload": "name":* 'STRING'*, "field":* 'STRING' *}* 'BASE' := *"ll"* | *"nh"* | *"th"* ____ Construct a payload expression, i.e. a reference to a certain part of packet data. The first form creates a raw payload expression to point at a random number (*len*) of bytes at a certain offset (*offset*) from a given reference point (*base*). Following *base* values are accepted: *"ll"*:: Offset is relative to Link Layer header start offset. *"nh"*:: Offset is relative to Network Layer header start offset. *"th"*:: Offset is relative to Transport Layer header start offset. The second form allows to reference a field by name (*field*) in a named packet header (*name*). === EXTHDR [verse] *{ "exthdr": "name":* 'STRING'*, "field":* 'STRING'*, "offset":* 'NUMBER' *}* Create a reference to a field (*field*) in an IPv6 extension header (*name*). *offset* is used only for *rt0* protocol. If *field* property is not given, expression is to be used as header existence check in a *match* statement with boolean on right hand side. === TCP OPTION [verse] *{ "tcp option": "name":* 'STRING'*, "field":* 'STRING' *}* Create a reference to a field (*field*) of a TCP option header (*name*). If *field* property is not given, expression is to be used as TCP option existence check in a *match* statement with boolean on right hand side. === META [verse] *{ "meta":* 'STRING' *}* Create a reference to packet meta data. === RT [verse] ____ *{ "rt": "key":* 'RT_KEY'*, "family":* 'RT_FAMILY' *}* 'RT_KEY' := *"classid"* | *"nexthop"* | *"mtu"* 'RT_FAMILY' := *"ip"* | *"ip6"* ____ Create a reference to packet routing data. The *family* property is optional and defaults to unspecified. === CT [verse] ____ *{ "ct": "key":* 'STRING'*, "family":* 'CT_FAMILY'*, "dir":* 'CT_DIRECTION' *}* 'CT_FAMILY' := *"ip"* | *"ip6"* 'CT_DIRECTION' := *"original"* | *"reply"* ____ Create a reference to packet conntrack data. Some CT keys don't support a direction. In this case *dir* must not be given. === NUMGEN [verse] ____ *{ "numgen": "mode":* 'NG_MODE'*, "mod":* 'NUMBER'*, "offset":* 'NUMBER' *}* 'NG_MODE' := *"inc"* | *"random"* ____ Create a number generator. The *offset* property is optional and defaults to 0. === HASH [verse] ____ *{ "jhash": "mod":* 'NUMBER'*, "offset":* 'NUMBER'*, "expr":* 'EXPRESSION'*, "seed":* 'NUMBER' *}* *{ "symhash": "mod":* 'NUMBER'*, "offset":* 'NUMBER' *}* ____ Hash packet data. The *offset* and *seed* properties are optional and default to 0. === FIB [verse] ____ *{ "fib": "result":* 'FIB_RESULT'*, "flags":* 'FIB_FLAGS' *}* 'FIB_RESULT' := *"oif"* | *"oifname"* | *"type"* 'FIB_FLAGS' := 'FIB_FLAG' | *[* 'FIB_FLAG_LIST' *]* 'FIB_FLAG_LIST' := 'FIB_FLAG' [*,* 'FIB_FLAG_LIST' ] 'FIB_FLAG' := *"saddr"* | *"daddr"* | *"mark"* | *"iif"* | *"oif"* ____ Perform kernel Forwarding Information Base lookups. === BINARY OPERATION [verse] *{ "|": [* 'EXPRESSION'*,* 'EXPRESSION' *] }* *{ "^": [* 'EXPRESSION'*,* 'EXPRESSION' *] }* *{ "&": [* 'EXPRESSION'*,* 'EXPRESSION' *] }* *{ "+<<+": [* 'EXPRESSION'*,* 'EXPRESSION' *] }* *{ ">>": [* 'EXPRESSION'*,* 'EXPRESSION' *] }* All binary operations expect an array of exactly two expressions of which the first element denotes the left hand side and the second one the right hand side. === VERDICT [verse] *{ "continue": null }* *{ "break": null }* *{ "jump":* 'STRING' *}* *{ "goto":* 'STRING' *}* *{ "return": null }* *{ "accept": null }* *{ "drop": null }* *{ "queue": null }* Same as *verdict* statement, but for use in verdict maps. Only *jump* and *goto* verdicts expect a string denoting the target chain name. === ELEM [verse] *{ "elem": "val":* 'EXPRESSION'*, "timeout":* 'NUMBER'*, "expires":* 'NUMBER'*, "comment":* 'STRING' *}* Explicit set element object, in case *timeout*, *expires* or *comment* are desired. Otherwise may be replaced by the value of *val*. === SOCKET [verse] ____ *{ "socket": "key":* 'SOCKET_KEY' *}* 'SOCKET_KEY' := *"transparent"* ____ Construct a reference to packet's socket.