#!/usr/sbin/nft -f # This example file shows how to use secmark labels with the nftables framework. # This script is meant to be loaded with `nft -f ` # You require linux kernel >= 4.20 and nft >= 0.9.3 # This example is SELinux based, for the secmark objects you require # SELinux enabled and a SELinux policy defining the stated contexts # For up-to-date information please visit https://wiki.nftables.org flush ruleset table inet x { secmark ssh_server { "system_u:object_r:ssh_server_packet_t:s0" } secmark dns_client { "system_u:object_r:dns_client_packet_t:s0" } secmark http_client { "system_u:object_r:http_client_packet_t:s0" } secmark https_client { "system_u:object_r:http_client_packet_t:s0" } secmark ntp_client { "system_u:object_r:ntp_client_packet_t:s0" } secmark icmp_client { "system_u:object_r:icmp_client_packet_t:s0" } secmark icmp_server { "system_u:object_r:icmp_server_packet_t:s0" } secmark ssh_client { "system_u:object_r:ssh_client_packet_t:s0" } secmark git_client { "system_u:object_r:git_client_packet_t:s0" } map secmapping_in { type inet_service : secmark elements = { 22 : "ssh_server" } } map secmapping_out { type inet_service : secmark elements = { 22 : "ssh_client", 53 : "dns_client", 80 : "http_client", 123 : "ntp_client", 443 : "http_client", 9418 : "git_client" } } chain y { type filter hook input priority -225; # label new incoming packets and add to connection ct state new meta secmark set tcp dport map @secmapping_in ct state new meta secmark set udp dport map @secmapping_in ct state new ip protocol icmp meta secmark set "icmp_server" ct state new ip6 nexthdr icmpv6 meta secmark set "icmp_server" ct state new ct secmark set meta secmark # set label for est/rel packets from connection ct state established,related meta secmark set ct secmark } chain z { type filter hook output priority 225; # label new outgoing packets and add to connection ct state new meta secmark set tcp dport map @secmapping_out ct state new meta secmark set udp dport map @secmapping_out ct state new ip protocol icmp meta secmark set "icmp_client" ct state new ip6 nexthdr icmpv6 meta secmark set "icmp_client" ct state new ct secmark set meta secmark # set label for est/rel packets from connection ct state established,related meta secmark set ct secmark } }