#!/bin/bash log_file="$(pwd)/tests.log" dir=../.. argument=( --without-cli --with-cli=linenoise --with-cli=editline --enable-debug --with-mini-gmp --enable-man-doc --with-xtables --with-json) ok=0 failed=0 [ -f "$log_file" ] && rm -rf "$log_file" tmpdir=$(mktemp -d) if [ ! -w "$tmpdir" ] ; then echo "Failed to create tmp file" >&2 exit 0 fi git clone "$dir" "$tmpdir" >/dev/null 2>>"$log_file" cd "$tmpdir" || exit if ! autoreconf -fi >"$log_file" 2>>"$log_file" ; then echo "Something went wrong. Check the log '${log_file}' for details." exit 1 fi if ! ./configure >"$log_file" 2>>"$log_file" ; then echo "Something went wrong. Check the log '${log_file}' for details." exit 1 fi echo "Testing build with distcheck" if ! make distcheck >/dev/null 2>>"$log_file" ; then echo "Something went wrong. Check the log '${log_file}' for details." exit 1 fi echo -en "\033[1A\033[K" echo "Build works. Now, testing compile options" for var in "${argument[@]}" ; do echo "[EXECUTING] Testing compile option $var" ./configure "$var" >/dev/null 2>>"$log_file" make -j 8 >/dev/null 2>>"$log_file" rt=$? echo -en "\033[1A\033[K" # clean the [EXECUTING] foobar line if [ $rt -eq 0 ] ; then echo "[OK] Compile option $var works." ((ok++)) else echo "[FAILED] Compile option $var does not work. Check log for details." ((failed++)) fi done rm -rf "$tmpdir" echo "results: [OK] $ok [FAILED] $failed [TOTAL] $((ok+failed))" [ "$failed" -eq 0 ]