#!/bin/bash tmpfile=$(mktemp) if [ ! -w $tmpfile ] ; then echo "Failed to create tmp file" >&2 exit 0 fi trap "rm -rf $tmpfile" EXIT # cleanup if aborted RULESET="table ip mangle { set blackhole { type ipv4_addr elements = {, } } chain prerouting { type filter hook prerouting priority 0; policy accept; tcp dport { ssh, http } accept ip saddr @blackhole drop icmp type echo-request accept iifname \"lo\" accept icmp type echo-request counter packets 0 bytes 0 ct state established,related accept tcp flags != syn counter packets 7 bytes 841 ip saddr ip daddr counter packets 0 bytes 0 } } table arp x { chain y { arp htype 22 arp ptype ip arp operation != rrequest arp operation { request, reply, rrequest, rreply, inrequest, inreply, nak } arp hlen 33-45 } } table bridge x { chain y { type filter hook input priority 0; policy accept; vlan id 4094 vlan id 4094 vlan cfi 0 vlan id 1 ip saddr udp dport domain } } table ip6 x { chain y { type nat hook postrouting priority 0; policy accept; icmpv6 id 33-45 ip6 daddr fe00::1-fe00::200 udp dport domain counter packets 0 bytes 0 meta l4proto tcp masquerade to :1024 iifname \"wlan0\" ct state established,new tcp dport vmap { ssh : drop, 222 : drop } masquerade tcp dport ssh ip6 daddr 1::2 ether saddr 00:0f:54:0c:11:04 accept ip6 daddr fe00::1-fe00::200 udp dport domain counter packets 0 bytes 0 masquerade } }" echo "$RULESET" > $tmpfile $NFT -f $tmpfile $NFT export vm json > $tmpfile $NFT flush ruleset cat $tmpfile | $NFT import vm json