#!/bin/bash # test adding many elements to an interval map # even with HOWMANY=2 there are memory allocation failures in the current # master - the patch fixes that # NOTE this is only an issue with two separate nft calls HOWMANY=2 tmpfile=$(mktemp) if [ ! -w $tmpfile ] ; then echo "Failed to create tmp file" >&2 exit 0 fi trap "rm -rf $tmpfile" EXIT # cleanup if aborted generate_add() { echo -n "{" for ((i=1; i<=HOWMANY; i++)) ; do for ((j=1; j<=HOWMANY; j++)) ; do [ "$i" == "$HOWMANY" ] && [ "$j" == "$HOWMANY" ] && break echo -n "10.${i}.${j}.0/24 : 10.0.${i}.${j}, " done done echo -n "}" } generate_test() { count=0 elements="" for ((i=1; i<=HOWMANY; i++)) ; do for ((j=1; j<=HOWMANY; j++)) ; do ((count++)) elements="${elements}10.${i}.${j}.0/24 : 10.0.${i}.${j}" [ "$i" == "$HOWMANY" ] && [ "$j" == "$HOWMANY" ] && break if [ "$count" == "2" ] ; then count=0 elements="${elements},\\n\\t\\t\\t " else elements="${elements}, " fi done done echo -e "$elements" } echo "add table x add map x y { type ipv4_addr : ipv4_addr; flags interval; } add element x y $(generate_add)" > $tmpfile set -e $NFT -f $tmpfile n=$HOWMANY echo "add element x y { 10.${n}.${n}.0/24 : 10.0.${n}.${n} }" > $tmpfile $NFT -f $tmpfile