-- general notes: -- - tables are split using the protocol -- - keys are created outside the table, when possible -- - foreign keys (constraints) are added using ULOG2_ADD_FOREIGN_KEYS() -- - some procedures for maintainance are provided (suppressing entries, compressing tables, running ~VACUUM) -- - security is set to INVOKER, which means the permissions of the connected client are used. To create an abstraction layer, DEFINER could be used (with precautions on DELETE ..) -- (most constraint) ulog2_ct >> tcp,udp,icmp >> ulog2 (least constraint) DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `_format`; CREATE TABLE `_format` ( `version` int(4) NOT NULL ) ENGINE=INNODB; INSERT INTO _format (version) VALUES (4); -- this table could be used to know which user-defined tables are linked -- to ulog DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `_extensions`; CREATE TABLE `_extensions` ( `ext_id` int(8) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `ext_name` varchar(64) NOT NULL, `table_name` varchar(64) NOT NULL, `join_name` varchar(64) NOT NULL, UNIQUE KEY `ext_id` (`ext_id`) ) ENGINE=INNODB; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `mac`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `tcp`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `udp`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `icmp`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `nufw`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ulog2_ct`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ulog2`; CREATE TABLE `ulog2` ( `_id` bigint unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `oob_time_sec` int(10) unsigned default NULL, `oob_time_usec` int(10) unsigned default NULL, `oob_prefix` varchar(32) default NULL, `oob_mark` int(10) unsigned default NULL, `oob_in` varchar(32) default NULL, `oob_out` varchar(32) default NULL, `oob_family` tinyint(3) unsigned default NULL, `ip_saddr` binary(16) default NULL, `ip_daddr` binary(16) default NULL, `ip_protocol` tinyint(3) unsigned default NULL, `ip_tos` tinyint(3) unsigned default NULL, `ip_ttl` tinyint(3) unsigned default NULL, `ip_totlen` smallint(5) unsigned default NULL, `ip_ihl` tinyint(3) unsigned default NULL, `ip_csum` smallint(5) unsigned default NULL, `ip_id` smallint(5) unsigned default NULL, `ip_fragoff` smallint(5) unsigned default NULL, `timestamp` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, UNIQUE KEY `key_id` (`_id`) ) ENGINE=INNODB COMMENT='Table for IP packets'; ALTER TABLE ulog2 ADD KEY `index_id` (`_id`); ALTER TABLE ulog2 ADD KEY `oob_family` (`oob_family`); ALTER TABLE ulog2 ADD KEY `ip_saddr` (`ip_saddr`); ALTER TABLE ulog2 ADD KEY `ip_daddr` (`ip_daddr`); ALTER TABLE ulog2 ADD KEY `timestamp` (`timestamp`); -- This index does not seem very useful: -- ALTER TABLE ulog2 ADD KEY `oob_time_sec` (`oob_time_sec`); CREATE TABLE `mac` ( `_mac_id` bigint unsigned NOT NULL, `mac_saddr` binary(12) default NULL, `mac_daddr` binary(12) default NULL, `mac_protocol` smallint(5) default NULL ) ENGINE=INNODB; ALTER TABLE mac ADD UNIQUE KEY `_mac_id` (`_mac_id`); ALTER TABLE mac ADD KEY `mac_saddr` (`mac_saddr`); ALTER TABLE mac ADD KEY `mac_daddr` (`mac_daddr`); ALTER TABLE mac ADD KEY `index_mac_id` (`_mac_id`); CREATE TABLE `tcp` ( `_tcp_id` bigint unsigned NOT NULL, `tcp_sport` int(5) unsigned default NULL, `tcp_dport` int(5) unsigned default NULL, `tcp_seq` int(10) unsigned default NULL, `tcp_ackseq` int(10) unsigned default NULL, `tcp_window` int(5) unsigned default NULL, `tcp_urg` tinyint(4) default NULL, `tcp_urgp` int(5) unsigned default NULL, `tcp_ack` tinyint(4) default NULL, `tcp_psh` tinyint(4) default NULL, `tcp_rst` tinyint(4) default NULL, `tcp_syn` tinyint(4) default NULL, `tcp_fin` tinyint(4) default NULL ) ENGINE=INNODB; ALTER TABLE tcp ADD UNIQUE KEY `_tcp_id` (`_tcp_id`); ALTER TABLE tcp ADD KEY `index_tcp_id` (`_tcp_id`); ALTER TABLE tcp ADD KEY `tcp_sport` (`tcp_sport`); ALTER TABLE tcp ADD KEY `tcp_dport` (`tcp_dport`); CREATE TABLE `udp` ( `_udp_id` bigint unsigned NOT NULL, `udp_sport` int(5) unsigned default NULL, `udp_dport` int(5) unsigned default NULL, `udp_len` int(5) unsigned default NULL ) ENGINE=INNODB; ALTER TABLE udp ADD UNIQUE KEY `_udp_id` (`_udp_id`); ALTER TABLE udp ADD KEY `index_udp_id` (`_udp_id`); ALTER TABLE udp ADD KEY `udp_sport` (`udp_sport`); ALTER TABLE udp ADD KEY `udp_dport` (`udp_dport`); CREATE TABLE `icmp` ( `_icmp_id` bigint unsigned NOT NULL, `icmp_type` tinyint(3) unsigned default NULL, `icmp_code` tinyint(3) unsigned default NULL, `icmp_echoid` smallint(5) unsigned default NULL, `icmp_echoseq` smallint(5) unsigned default NULL, `icmp_gateway` int(10) unsigned default NULL, `icmp_fragmtu` smallint(5) unsigned default NULL ) ENGINE=INNODB; ALTER TABLE icmp ADD UNIQUE KEY `key_icmp_id` (`_icmp_id`); ALTER TABLE icmp ADD KEY `index_icmp_id` (`_icmp_id`); -- views DROP VIEW IF EXISTS `view_tcp`; CREATE SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW `view_tcp` AS SELECT * FROM ulog2 INNER JOIN tcp ON ulog2._id = tcp._tcp_id; -- alternate form: -- select * from ulog2 where ulog2._id in (select tcp._tcp_id from tcp where tcp._tcp_id is not null); DROP VIEW IF EXISTS `view_udp`; CREATE SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW `view_udp` AS SELECT * FROM ulog2 INNER JOIN udp ON ulog2._id = udp._udp_id; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS `view_icmp`; CREATE SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW `view_icmp` AS SELECT * FROM ulog2 INNER JOIN icmp ON ulog2._id = icmp._icmp_id; -- ulog view DROP VIEW IF EXISTS `ulog`; -- CREATE SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW `ulog` AS -- SELECT * FROM ulog2 INNER JOIN tcp ON ulog2._id = tcp._tcp_id INNER JOIN udp ON ulog2._id = udp._udp_id -- INNER JOIN icmp ON ulog2._id = icmp._icmp_id INNER JOIN mac ON ulog2._id = mac._mac_id; CREATE SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW `ulog` AS SELECT _id, oob_time_sec, oob_time_usec, oob_prefix, oob_mark, oob_in, oob_out, oob_family, ip_saddr as ip_saddr_bin, ip_daddr as ip_daddr_bin, ip_protocol, ip_tos, ip_ttl, ip_totlen, ip_ihl, ip_csum, ip_id, ip_fragoff, tcp_sport, tcp_dport, tcp_seq, tcp_ackseq, tcp_window, tcp_urg, tcp_urgp, tcp_ack, tcp_psh, tcp_rst, tcp_syn, tcp_fin, udp_sport, udp_dport, udp_len, icmp_type, icmp_code, icmp_echoid, icmp_echoseq, icmp_gateway, icmp_fragmtu FROM ulog2 INNER JOIN tcp ON ulog2._id = tcp._tcp_id INNER JOIN udp ON ulog2._id = udp._udp_id INNER JOIN icmp ON ulog2._id = icmp._icmp_id INNER JOIN mac ON ulog2._id = mac._mac_id; -- shortcuts DROP VIEW IF EXISTS `view_tcp_quad`; CREATE SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW `view_tcp_quad` AS SELECT ulog2._id,ulog2.ip_saddr,tcp.tcp_sport,ulog2.ip_daddr,tcp.tcp_dport FROM ulog2 INNER JOIN tcp ON ulog2._id = tcp._tcp_id; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS `view_udp_quad`; CREATE SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW `view_udp_quad` AS SELECT ulog2._id,ulog2.ip_saddr,udp.udp_sport,ulog2.ip_daddr,udp.udp_dport FROM ulog2 INNER JOIN udp ON ulog2._id = udp._udp_id; -- conntrack CREATE TABLE `ulog2_ct` ( `_ct_id` bigint unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `oob_family` tinyint(3) unsigned default NULL, `orig_ip_saddr` binary(16) default NULL, `orig_ip_daddr` binary(16) default NULL, `orig_ip_protocol` tinyint(3) unsigned default NULL, `orig_l4_sport` int(5) default NULL, `orig_l4_dport` int(5) default NULL, `orig_bytes` bigint default 0, `orig_packets` bigint default 0, `reply_ip_saddr` binary(16) default NULL, `reply_ip_daddr` binary(16) default NULL, `reply_ip_protocol` tinyint(3) unsigned default NULL, `reply_l4_sport` int(5) default NULL, `reply_l4_dport` int(5) default NULL, `reply_bytes` bigint default 0, `reply_packets` bigint default 0, `icmp_code` tinyint(3) default NULL, `icmp_type` tinyint(3) default NULL, `ct_mark` bigint default 0, `flow_start_sec` int(10) default 0, `flow_start_usec` int(10) default 0, `flow_end_sec` int(10) default 0, `flow_end_usec` int(10) default 0, `state` tinyint(3) unsigned default 0, UNIQUE KEY `_ct_id` (`_ct_id`) ) ENGINE=INNODB; ALTER TABLE ulog2_ct ADD KEY `index_ct_id` (`_ct_id`); ALTER TABLE ulog2_ct ADD KEY `oob_family` (`oob_family`); ALTER TABLE ulog2_ct ADD KEY `orig_ip_saddr` (`orig_ip_saddr`); ALTER TABLE ulog2_ct ADD KEY `orig_ip_daddr` (`orig_ip_daddr`); ALTER TABLE ulog2_ct ADD KEY `orig_ip_protocol` (`orig_ip_protocol`); ALTER TABLE ulog2_ct ADD KEY `orig_l4_dport` (`orig_l4_dport`); ALTER TABLE ulog2_ct ADD KEY `orig_l4_sport` (`orig_l4_sport`); ALTER TABLE ulog2_ct ADD KEY `reply_ip_saddr` (`reply_ip_saddr`); ALTER TABLE ulog2_ct ADD KEY `reply_ip_daddr` (`reply_ip_daddr`); ALTER TABLE ulog2_ct ADD KEY `reply_ip_protocol` (`reply_ip_protocol`); ALTER TABLE ulog2_ct ADD KEY `reply_l4_dport` (`reply_l4_dport`); ALTER TABLE ulog2_ct ADD KEY `reply_l4_sport` (`reply_l4_sport`); ALTER TABLE ulog2_ct ADD KEY `state` (`state`); ALTER TABLE ulog2_ct ADD KEY `orig_tuple` (`orig_ip_saddr`, `orig_ip_daddr`, `orig_ip_protocol`, `orig_l4_sport`, `orig_l4_dport`); ALTER TABLE ulog2_ct ADD KEY `reply_tuple` (`reply_ip_saddr`, `reply_ip_daddr`, `reply_ip_protocol`, `reply_l4_sport`, `reply_l4_dport`); DROP VIEW IF EXISTS `conntrack`; CREATE SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW `conntrack` AS SELECT _ct_id, oob_family, orig_ip_saddr AS orig_ip_saddr_raw, orig_ip_daddr AS orig_ip_daddr_raw, orig_ip_protocol, orig_l4_sport, orig_l4_dport, orig_bytes AS orig_raw_pktlen, orig_packets AS orig_raw_pktcount, reply_ip_saddr AS reply_ip_saddr_bin, reply_ip_daddr AS reply_ip_daddr_bin, reply_ip_protocol, reply_l4_sport, reply_l4_dport, reply_bytes AS reply_raw_pktlen, reply_packets AS reply_raw_pktcount, icmp_code, icmp_type, ct_mark, flow_start_sec, flow_start_usec, flow_end_sec, flow_end_usec FROM ulog2_ct WHERE state != 0; -- Helper table DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ip_proto`; CREATE TABLE `ip_proto` ( `_proto_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `proto_name` varchar(16) default NULL, `proto_desc` varchar(255) default NULL ) ENGINE=INNODB; ALTER TABLE ip_proto ADD UNIQUE KEY `_proto_id` (`_proto_id`); -- see files /etc/protocols -- or /usr/share/nmap/nmap-protocols INSERT INTO ip_proto (_proto_id,proto_name,proto_desc) VALUES (0,'ip','internet protocol, pseudo protocol number'), (1,'icmp','internet control message protocol'), (2,'igmp','Internet Group Management'), (3,'ggp','gateway-gateway protocol'), (4,'ipencap','IP encapsulated in IP (officially \'IP\')'), (5,'st','ST datagram mode'), (6,'tcp','transmission control protocol'), (17,'udp','user datagram protocol'), (41,'ipv6','Internet Protocol, version 6'), (58,'ipv6-icmp','ICMP for IPv6'); -- NuFW specific DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `nufw`; CREATE TABLE `nufw` ( `_nufw_id` bigint unsigned NOT NULL, `username` varchar(30) default NULL, `user_id` smallint(5) unsigned default NULL, `client_os` varchar(100) default NULL, `client_app` varchar(256) default NULL ) ENGINE=INNODB; ALTER TABLE nufw ADD UNIQUE KEY `_nufw_id` (`_nufw_id`); ALTER TABLE nufw ADD KEY `index_nufw_id` (`_nufw_id`); ALTER TABLE nufw ADD KEY `user_id` (`user_id`); ALTER TABLE nufw ADD FOREIGN KEY (_nufw_id) REFERENCES ulog2 (_id); DROP VIEW IF EXISTS `view_nufw`; CREATE SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW `view_nufw` AS SELECT * FROM ulog2 INNER JOIN nufw ON ulog2._id = nufw._nufw_id; INSERT INTO _extensions (ext_name,table_name,join_name) VALUES ('nufw','nufw','_nufw_id'); -- Procedures DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS ULOG2_DROP_FOREIGN_KEYS; delimiter $$ CREATE PROCEDURE ULOG2_DROP_FOREIGN_KEYS( ) SQL SECURITY INVOKER COMMENT 'Drop constraints for ulog2 tables' BEGIN -- remember : table with most constraints first ALTER TABLE icmp DROP FOREIGN KEY _icmp_id; ALTER TABLE udp DROP FOREIGN KEY _udp_id; ALTER TABLE tcp DROP FOREIGN KEY _tcp_id; END $$ delimiter ; DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS ULOG2_ADD_FOREIGN_KEYS; delimiter $$ CREATE PROCEDURE ULOG2_ADD_FOREIGN_KEYS( ) SQL SECURITY INVOKER COMMENT 'Add constraints for ulog2 tables' BEGIN -- remember : table with least constraints first ALTER TABLE tcp ADD CONSTRAINT _tcp_id FOREIGN KEY (_tcp_id) REFERENCES ulog2 (_id); ALTER TABLE udp ADD CONSTRAINT _udp_id FOREIGN KEY (_udp_id) REFERENCES ulog2 (_id); ALTER TABLE icmp ADD CONSTRAINT _icmp_id FOREIGN KEY (_icmp_id) REFERENCES ulog2 (_id); END $$ delimiter ; delimiter $$ DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS INSERT_IP_PACKET; CREATE FUNCTION INSERT_IP_PACKET( _oob_time_sec int(10) unsigned, _oob_time_usec int(10) unsigned, _oob_prefix varchar(32), _oob_mark int(10) unsigned, _oob_in varchar(32), _oob_out varchar(32), _oob_family tinyint(3) unsigned, _ip_saddr binary(16), _ip_daddr binary(16), _ip_protocol tinyint(3) unsigned ) RETURNS bigint unsigned SQL SECURITY INVOKER NOT DETERMINISTIC READS SQL DATA BEGIN INSERT INTO ulog2 (oob_time_sec, oob_time_usec, oob_prefix, oob_mark, oob_in, oob_out, oob_family, ip_saddr, ip_daddr, ip_protocol) VALUES (_oob_time_sec, _oob_time_usec, _oob_prefix, _oob_mark, _oob_in, _oob_out, _oob_family, _ip_saddr, _ip_daddr, _ip_protocol); RETURN LAST_INSERT_ID(); END $$ delimiter $$ DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS INSERT_IP_PACKET_FULL; CREATE FUNCTION INSERT_IP_PACKET_FULL( _oob_time_sec int(10) unsigned, _oob_time_usec int(10) unsigned, _oob_prefix varchar(32), _oob_mark int(10) unsigned, _oob_in varchar(32), _oob_out varchar(32), _oob_family tinyint(3) unsigned, _ip_saddr binary(16), _ip_daddr binary(16), _ip_protocol tinyint(3) unsigned, _ip_tos tinyint(3) unsigned, _ip_ttl tinyint(3) unsigned, _ip_totlen smallint(5) unsigned, _ip_ihl tinyint(3) unsigned, _ip_csum smallint(5) unsigned, _ip_id smallint(5) unsigned, _ip_fragoff smallint(5) unsigned ) RETURNS int(10) unsigned SQL SECURITY INVOKER NOT DETERMINISTIC READS SQL DATA BEGIN INSERT INTO ulog2 (oob_time_sec, oob_time_usec, oob_prefix, oob_mark, oob_in, oob_out, oob_family, ip_saddr, ip_daddr, ip_protocol, ip_tos, ip_ttl, ip_totlen, ip_ihl, ip_csum, ip_id, ip_fragoff ) VALUES (_oob_time_sec, _oob_time_usec, _oob_prefix, _oob_mark, _oob_in, _oob_out, _oob_family, _ip_saddr, _ip_daddr, _ip_protocol, _ip_tos, _ip_ttl, _ip_totlen, _ip_ihl, _ip_csum, _ip_id, _ip_fragoff); RETURN LAST_INSERT_ID(); END $$ delimiter $$ DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS PACKET_ADD_TCP_FULL; CREATE PROCEDURE PACKET_ADD_TCP_FULL( IN `id` int(10) unsigned, IN `_sport` smallint(5) unsigned, IN `_dport` smallint(5) unsigned, IN `_seq` int(10) unsigned, IN `_ackseq` int(10) unsigned, IN `_window` smallint(5) unsigned, IN `_urg` tinyint(4), IN `_urgp` smallint(5) unsigned, IN `_ack` tinyint(4), IN `_psh` tinyint(4), IN `_rst` tinyint(4), IN `_syn` tinyint(4), IN `_fin` tinyint(4) ) BEGIN INSERT INTO tcp (_tcp_id, tcp_sport, tcp_dport, tcp_seq, tcp_ackseq, tcp_window, tcp_urg, tcp_urgp, tcp_ack, tcp_psh, tcp_rst, tcp_syn, tcp_fin) VALUES (id, _sport, _dport, _seq, _ackseq, _window, _urg, _urgp, _ack, _psh, _rst, _syn, _fin); END $$ delimiter $$ DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS PACKET_ADD_TCP; CREATE PROCEDURE PACKET_ADD_TCP( IN `id` int(10) unsigned, IN `_sport` smallint(5) unsigned, IN `_dport` smallint(5) unsigned ) BEGIN INSERT INTO tcp (_tcp_id, tcp_sport, tcp_dport) VALUES (id, _sport, _dport); END $$ delimiter $$ DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS PACKET_ADD_UDP; CREATE PROCEDURE PACKET_ADD_UDP( IN `id` int(10) unsigned, IN `_sport` smallint(5) unsigned, IN `_dport` smallint(5) unsigned, IN `_len` smallint(5) unsigned ) BEGIN INSERT INTO udp (_udp_id, udp_sport, udp_dport, udp_len) VALUES (id, _sport, _dport, _len); END $$ delimiter $$ DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS PACKET_ADD_ICMP; CREATE PROCEDURE PACKET_ADD_ICMP( IN `id` int(10) unsigned, IN `_icmp_type` tinyint(3) unsigned, IN `_icmp_code` tinyint(3) unsigned, IN `_icmp_echoid` smallint(5) unsigned, IN `_icmp_echoseq` smallint(5) unsigned, IN `_icmp_gateway` int(10) unsigned, IN `_icmp_fragmtu` smallint(5) unsigned ) BEGIN INSERT INTO icmp (_icmp_id, icmp_type, icmp_code, icmp_echoid, icmp_echoseq, icmp_gateway, icmp_fragmtu) VALUES (id, _icmp_type, _icmp_code, _icmp_echoid, _icmp_echoseq, _icmp_gateway, _icmp_fragmtu); END $$ delimiter $$ DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS PACKET_ADD_MAC; CREATE PROCEDURE PACKET_ADD_MAC( IN `id` int(10) unsigned, IN `_saddr` binary(12), IN `_daddr` binary(12), IN `_protocol` smallint(5) ) BEGIN INSERT INTO mac (_mac_id, mac_saddr, mac_daddr, mac_protocol) VALUES (id, _saddr, _daddr, _protocol); END $$ delimiter $$ DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS INSERT_PACKET_FULL; CREATE FUNCTION INSERT_PACKET_FULL( _oob_time_sec int(10) unsigned, _oob_time_usec int(10) unsigned, _oob_prefix varchar(32), _oob_mark int(10) unsigned, _oob_in varchar(32), _oob_out varchar(32), _oob_family tinyint(3) unsigned, _ip_saddr binary(16), _ip_daddr binary(16), _ip_protocol tinyint(3) unsigned, _ip_tos tinyint(3) unsigned, _ip_ttl tinyint(3) unsigned, _ip_totlen smallint(5) unsigned, _ip_ihl tinyint(3) unsigned, _ip_csum smallint(5) unsigned, _ip_id smallint(5) unsigned, _ip_fragoff smallint(5) unsigned, tcp_sport smallint(5) unsigned, tcp_dport smallint(5) unsigned, tcp_seq int(10) unsigned, tcp_ackseq int(10) unsigned, tcp_window smallint(5) unsigned, tcp_urg tinyint(4), tcp_urgp smallint(5) unsigned, tcp_ack tinyint(4), tcp_psh tinyint(4), tcp_rst tinyint(4), tcp_syn tinyint(4), tcp_fin tinyint(4), udp_sport smallint(5) unsigned, udp_dport smallint(5) unsigned, udp_len smallint(5) unsigned, icmp_type tinyint(3) unsigned, icmp_code tinyint(3) unsigned, icmp_echoid smallint(5) unsigned, icmp_echoseq smallint(5) unsigned, icmp_gateway int(10) unsigned, icmp_fragmtu smallint(5) unsigned -- mac_saddr binary(12), -- mac_daddr binary(12), -- mac_protocol smallint(5) ) RETURNS bigint unsigned READS SQL DATA BEGIN SET @lastid = INSERT_IP_PACKET_FULL(_oob_time_sec, _oob_time_usec, _oob_prefix, _oob_mark, _oob_in, _oob_out, _oob_family, _ip_saddr, _ip_daddr, _ip_protocol, _ip_tos, _ip_ttl, _ip_totlen, _ip_ihl, _ip_csum, _ip_id, _ip_fragoff); IF _ip_protocol = 6 THEN CALL PACKET_ADD_TCP_FULL(@lastid, tcp_sport, tcp_dport, tcp_seq, tcp_ackseq, tcp_window, tcp_urg, tcp_urgp, tcp_ack, tcp_psh, tcp_rst, tcp_syn, tcp_fin); ELSEIF _ip_protocol = 17 THEN CALL PACKET_ADD_UDP(@lastid, udp_sport, udp_dport, udp_len); ELSEIF _ip_protocol = 1 THEN CALL PACKET_ADD_ICMP(@lastid, icmp_type, icmp_code, icmp_echoid, icmp_echoseq, icmp_gateway, icmp_fragmtu); END IF; -- IF mac_protocol IS NOT NULL THEN -- CALL PACKET_ADD_MAC(@lastid, mac_saddr, mac_daddr, mac_protocol); -- END IF; RETURN @lastid; END $$ delimiter $$ DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS PACKET_ADD_NUFW; CREATE PROCEDURE PACKET_ADD_NUFW( IN `id` int(10) unsigned, IN `username` varchar(30), IN `user_id` int(10) unsigned, IN `client_os` varchar(100), IN `client_app` varchar(256), IN `socket` smallint(5) ) BEGIN INSERT INTO nufw (_nufw_id, username, user_id, client_os, client_app, socket) VALUES (id, username, user_id, client_os, client_app, socket); END $$ delimiter $$ DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS INSERT_CT; CREATE PROCEDURE INSERT_CT( IN `_orig_ip_saddr` binary(16), IN `_orig_ip_daddr` binary(16), IN `_orig_ip_protocol` tinyint(3) unsigned, IN `_orig_l4_sport` int(5), IN `_orig_l4_dport` int(5), IN `_orig_bytes` bigint, IN `_orig_packets` bigint, IN `_reply_ip_saddr` binary(16), IN `_reply_ip_daddr` binary(16), IN `_reply_ip_protocol` tinyint(3) unsigned, IN `_reply_l4_sport` int(5), IN `_reply_l4_dport` int(5), IN `_reply_bytes` bigint, IN `_reply_packets` bigint, IN `_icmp_code` tinyint(3), IN `_icmp_type` tinyint(3), IN `_ct_mark` bigint, IN `_flow_start_sec` int(10), IN `_flow_start_usec` int(10), IN `_flow_end_sec` int(10), IN `_flow_end_usec` int(10) ) BEGIN INSERT INTO ulog2_ct (orig_ip_saddr, orig_ip_daddr, orig_ip_protocol, orig_l4_sport, orig_l4_dport, orig_bytes, orig_packets, reply_ip_saddr, reply_ip_daddr, reply_ip_protocol, reply_l4_sport, reply_l4_dport, reply_bytes, reply_packets, icmp_code, icmp_type, ct_mark, flow_start_sec, flow_start_usec, flow_end_sec, flow_end_usec) VALUES (_orig_ip_saddr, _orig_ip_daddr, _orig_ip_protocol, _orig_l4_sport, _orig_l4_dport, _orig_bytes, _orig_packets, _reply_ip_saddr, _reply_ip_daddr, _reply_ip_protocol, _reply_l4_sport, _reply_l4_dport, _reply_bytes, _reply_packets, _icmp_code, _icmp_type, _ct_mark, _flow_start_sec, _flow_start_usec, _flow_end_sec, _flow_end_usec); END $$ delimiter ; -- suppressing packets -- better use trigger ? -- -> a trigger needs super-user access -- -> triggers on delete does not affect drop tables DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS DELETE_PACKET; delimiter $$ CREATE PROCEDURE DELETE_PACKET( IN _packet_id bigint unsigned ) SQL SECURITY INVOKER COMMENT 'Delete a packet (from ulog tables only)' BEGIN -- remember : table with most constraints first DELETE FROM icmp WHERE icmp._icmp_id = _packet_id; DELETE FROM tcp WHERE tcp._tcp_id = _packet_id; DELETE FROM udp WHERE udp._udp_id = _packet_id; DELETE FROM ulog2 WHERE ulog2._id = _packet_id; END $$ delimiter ; DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS DELETE_CUSTOM_ONE; delimiter $$ -- XXX be careful with SQL injections !! CREATE PROCEDURE DELETE_CUSTOM_ONE( IN tname varchar(64), IN tjoin varchar(64), IN _id bigint ) SQL SECURITY INVOKER COMMENT 'Delete packet in a custom table (specified at runtime) using a prepared query' BEGIN SET @l_sql = CONCAT('DELETE FROM ',@tname,' WHERE ',@tname,'.',@tfield,' = ',_id); PREPARE delete_stmt FROM @l_sql; EXECUTE delete_stmt; DEALLOCATE PREPARE delete_stmt; END $$ delimiter ; DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS DELETE_PACKET_FULL; delimiter $$ CREATE PROCEDURE DELETE_PACKET_FULL( IN _packet_id bigint unsigned ) SQL SECURITY INVOKER COMMENT 'Delete packet in all tables (including extensions)' BEGIN DECLARE tname varchar(64); DECLARE tjoin varchar(64); DECLARE l_last INT DEFAULT 0; DECLARE ext_csr CURSOR FOR SELECT table_name,join_name FROM _extensions; DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET l_last=1; OPEN ext_csr; ext_loop:LOOP FETCH ext_csr INTO tname,tjoin; IF l_last THEN LEAVE ext_loop; END IF; CALL DELETE_CUSTOM_ONE(tname,tjoin,_packet_id); END LOOP ext_loop; CLOSE ext_csr; CALL DELETE_PACKET(_packet_id); END $$ delimiter ; -- suppressing tuples DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS DELETE_CT_FLOW; delimiter $$ CREATE PROCEDURE DELETE_CT_FLOW( IN _ct_packet_id bigint unsigned ) SQL SECURITY INVOKER COMMENT 'Delete a packet from the conntrack tables' BEGIN DELETE FROM ulog2_ct WHERE ulog2_ct._ct_id = _ct_packet_id; END $$ delimiter ; -- DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS _trigger_delete; -- delimiter $$ -- CREATE TRIGGER _trigger_delete BEFORE DELETE ON ulog2 -- FOR EACH ROW -- BEGIN -- DELETE FROM icmp WHERE icmp._icmp_id = _packet_id; -- DELETE FROM tcp WHERE tcp._tcp_id = _packet_id; -- DELETE FROM udp WHERE udp._udp_id = _packet_id; -- END -- $$ -- delimiter ; -- Tables compression DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS COMPRESS_TABLES; delimiter $$ CREATE PROCEDURE COMPRESS_TABLES( ) SQL SECURITY INVOKER COMMENT 'Try to remove dead entries and call OPTIMIZE for each table' BEGIN -- look for packets in table _tcp and not in table ulog2 DELETE FROM tcp WHERE _tcp_id NOT IN (SELECT _id FROM ulog2); -- XXX note: could be rewritten (need to see what is more efficient) as: -- DELETE FROM tcp WHERE _tcp_id IN (SELECT tcp._tcp_id FROM tcp LEFT OUTER JOIN ulog2 ON (tcp._tcp_id = ulog2._id) WHERE ulog2._id IS NULL); DELETE FROM mac WHERE _mac_id NOT IN (SELECT _id FROM ulog2); DELETE FROM udp WHERE _udp_id NOT IN (SELECT _id FROM ulog2); DELETE FROM icmp WHERE _icmp_id NOT IN (SELECT _id FROM ulog2); -- look for packets in table ulog2 with proto tcp (or ipv6 ?) and not in table tcp DELETE FROM ulog2 WHERE ulog2.ip_protocol = '6' AND _id NOT IN (SELECT _tcp_id FROM tcp); DELETE FROM ulog2 WHERE ulog2.ip_protocol = '17' AND _id NOT IN (SELECT _udp_id FROM udp); DELETE FROM ulog2 WHERE ulog2.ip_protocol = '2' AND _id NOT IN (SELECT _icmp_id FROM icmp); -- finally, call optimize to reclaim unused space and defragment the data file OPTIMIZE TABLE ulog2, mac, tcp, udp, icmp, ulog2_ct; END $$ delimiter ; DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS ANALYZE_TABLES; delimiter $$ CREATE PROCEDURE ANALYZE_TABLES( ) SQL SECURITY INVOKER COMMENT 'ANALYZE all ulog2 tables' BEGIN ANALYZE TABLE ulog2, mac, tcp, udp, icmp, ulog2_ct; END $$ delimiter ; -- Add foreign keys to tables CALL ULOG2_ADD_FOREIGN_KEYS();