/* * (C) 2005 by Harald Welte * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation * */ #include #include #include #include #include /* For htons */ #include #include #include "libct_proto.h" static struct option opts[] = { {"orig-port-src", 1, 0, '1'}, {"orig-port-dst", 1, 0, '2'}, {"reply-port-src", 1, 0, '3'}, {"reply-port-dst", 1, 0, '4'}, {"state", 1, 0, '5'}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; enum sctp_param_flags { ORIG_SPORT_BIT = 0, ORIG_SPORT = (1 << ORIG_SPORT_BIT), ORIG_DPORT_BIT = 1, ORIG_DPORT = (1 << ORIG_DPORT_BIT), REPL_SPORT_BIT = 2, REPL_SPORT = (1 << REPL_SPORT_BIT), REPL_DPORT_BIT = 3, REPL_DPORT = (1 << REPL_DPORT_BIT), STATE_BIT = 4, STATE = (1 << STATE_BIT) }; static const char *states[] = { "NONE", "CLOSED", "COOKIE_WAIT", "COOKIE_ECHOED", "ESTABLISHED", "SHUTDOWN_SENT", "SHUTDOWN_RECV", "SHUTDOWN_ACK_SENT", }; static void help() { fprintf(stdout, "--orig-port-src original source port\n"); fprintf(stdout, "--orig-port-dst original destination port\n"); fprintf(stdout, "--reply-port-src reply source port\n"); fprintf(stdout, "--reply-port-dst reply destination port\n"); fprintf(stdout, "--state SCTP state, eg. ESTABLISHED\n"); } static int parse(char c, char *argv[], struct ip_conntrack_tuple *orig, struct ip_conntrack_tuple *reply, union ip_conntrack_proto *proto, unsigned int *flags) { switch(c) { case '1': if (optarg) { orig->src.u.sctp.port = htons(atoi(optarg)); *flags |= ORIG_SPORT; } break; case '2': if (optarg) { orig->dst.u.sctp.port = htons(atoi(optarg)); *flags |= ORIG_DPORT; } break; case '3': if (optarg) { reply->src.u.sctp.port = htons(atoi(optarg)); *flags |= REPL_SPORT; } break; case '4': if (optarg) { reply->dst.u.sctp.port = htons(atoi(optarg)); *flags |= REPL_DPORT; } break; case '5': if (optarg) { int i; for (i=0; i<10; i++) { if (strcmp(optarg, states[i]) == 0) { proto->sctp.state = i; break; } } if (i == 10) { printf("doh?\n"); return 0; } } break; } return 1; } static int final_check(unsigned int flags) { if ((flags & ORIG_SPORT) && (flags & ORIG_DPORT)) return 1; else if ((flags & REPL_SPORT) && (flags & REPL_DPORT)) return 1; return 0; } static void print_tuple(struct ip_conntrack_tuple *t) { fprintf(stdout, "sport=%d dport=%d ", ntohs(t->src.u.sctp.port), ntohs(t->dst.u.sctp.port)); } static void print_proto(union ip_conntrack_proto *proto) { if (proto->sctp.state > sizeof(states)/sizeof(char *)) fprintf(stdout, "[%u] ", proto->sctp.state); else fprintf(stdout, "[%s] ", states[proto->sctp.state]); } static struct ctproto_handler sctp = { .name = "sctp", .protonum = 132, .parse = parse, .print_tuple = print_tuple, .print_proto = print_proto, .final_check = final_check, .help = help, .opts = opts, }; void __attribute__ ((constructor)) init(void); void __attribute__ ((destructor)) fini(void); void init(void) { register_proto(&sctp); } void fini(void) { unregister_proto(&sctp); }