%{ /* * (C) 2006-2007 by Pablo Neira Ayuso * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * * Description: configuration file abstract grammar */ #include #include #include #include #include "conntrackd.h" #include "ignore.h" #include extern char *yytext; extern int yylineno; struct ct_conf conf; %} %union { int val; char *string; } %token T_IPV4_ADDR T_IPV4_IFACE T_PORT T_HASHSIZE T_HASHLIMIT T_MULTICAST %token T_PATH T_UNIX T_REFRESH T_IPV6_ADDR T_IPV6_IFACE %token T_IGNORE_UDP T_IGNORE_ICMP T_IGNORE_TRAFFIC T_BACKLOG T_GROUP %token T_LOG T_UDP T_ICMP T_IGMP T_VRRP T_TCP T_IGNORE_PROTOCOL %token T_LOCK T_STRIP_NAT T_BUFFER_SIZE_MAX_GROWN T_EXPIRE T_TIMEOUT %token T_GENERAL T_SYNC T_STATS T_RELAX_TRANSITIONS T_BUFFER_SIZE T_DELAY %token T_SYNC_MODE T_LISTEN_TO T_FAMILY T_RESEND_BUFFER_SIZE %token T_ALARM T_FTFW T_CHECKSUM T_WINDOWSIZE T_ON T_OFF %token T_REPLICATE T_FOR T_IFACE %token T_ESTABLISHED T_SYN_SENT T_SYN_RECV T_FIN_WAIT %token T_CLOSE_WAIT T_LAST_ACK T_TIME_WAIT T_CLOSE T_LISTEN %token T_SYSLOG T_WRITE_THROUGH %token T_IP T_PATH_VAL %token T_NUMBER %token T_STRING %% configfile : | lines ; lines : line | lines line ; line : ignore_protocol | ignore_traffic | strip_nat | general | sync | stats ; logfile_bool : T_LOG T_ON { strncpy(conf.logfile, DEFAULT_LOGFILE, FILENAME_MAXLEN); }; logfile_bool : T_LOG T_OFF { }; logfile_path : T_LOG T_PATH_VAL { strncpy(conf.logfile, $2, FILENAME_MAXLEN); }; syslog_bool : T_SYSLOG T_ON { conf.syslog_facility = DEFAULT_SYSLOG_FACILITY; }; syslog_bool : T_SYSLOG T_OFF { conf.syslog_facility = -1; } syslog_facility : T_SYSLOG T_STRING { if (!strcmp($2, "daemon")) conf.syslog_facility = LOG_DAEMON; else if (!strcmp($2, "local0")) conf.syslog_facility = LOG_LOCAL0; else if (!strcmp($2, "local1")) conf.syslog_facility = LOG_LOCAL1; else if (!strcmp($2, "local2")) conf.syslog_facility = LOG_LOCAL2; else if (!strcmp($2, "local3")) conf.syslog_facility = LOG_LOCAL3; else if (!strcmp($2, "local4")) conf.syslog_facility = LOG_LOCAL4; else if (!strcmp($2, "local5")) conf.syslog_facility = LOG_LOCAL5; else if (!strcmp($2, "local6")) conf.syslog_facility = LOG_LOCAL6; else if (!strcmp($2, "local7")) conf.syslog_facility = LOG_LOCAL7; else { fprintf(stderr, "'%s' is not a known syslog facility, ignoring.\n", $2); return; } }; lock : T_LOCK T_PATH_VAL { strncpy(conf.lockfile, $2, FILENAME_MAXLEN); }; strip_nat: T_STRIP_NAT { fprintf(stderr, "Notice: StripNAT clause is obsolete. " "Please, remove it from conntrackd.conf\n"); }; refreshtime : T_REFRESH T_NUMBER { conf.refresh = $2; }; expiretime: T_EXPIRE T_NUMBER { conf.cache_timeout = $2; }; timeout: T_TIMEOUT T_NUMBER { conf.commit_timeout = $2; }; checksum: T_CHECKSUM T_ON { conf.mcast.checksum = 0; }; checksum: T_CHECKSUM T_OFF { conf.mcast.checksum = 1; }; ignore_traffic : T_IGNORE_TRAFFIC '{' ignore_traffic_options '}'; ignore_traffic_options : | ignore_traffic_options ignore_traffic_option; ignore_traffic_option : T_IPV4_ADDR T_IP { union inet_address ip; int family = 0; memset(&ip, 0, sizeof(union inet_address)); if (inet_aton($2, &ip.ipv4)) family = AF_INET; #ifdef HAVE_INET_PTON_IPV6 else if (inet_pton(AF_INET6, $2, &ip.ipv6) > 0) family = AF_INET6; #endif if (!family) { fprintf(stdout, "%s is not a valid IP, ignoring", $2); return; } if (!STATE(ignore_pool)) { STATE(ignore_pool) = ignore_pool_create(family); if (!STATE(ignore_pool)) { fprintf(stdout, "Can't create ignore pool!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } if (!ignore_pool_add(STATE(ignore_pool), &ip)) { if (errno == EEXIST) fprintf(stdout, "IP %s is repeated " "in the ignore pool\n", $2); if (errno == ENOSPC) fprintf(stdout, "Too many IP in the ignore pool!\n"); } }; multicast_line : T_MULTICAST '{' multicast_options '}'; multicast_options : | multicast_options multicast_option; multicast_option : T_IPV4_ADDR T_IP { if (!inet_aton($2, &conf.mcast.in)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s is not a valid IPv4 address\n"); return; } if (conf.mcast.ipproto == AF_INET6) { fprintf(stderr, "Your multicast address is IPv4 but " "is binded to an IPv6 interface? Surely " "this is not what you want\n"); return; } conf.mcast.ipproto = AF_INET; }; multicast_option : T_IPV6_ADDR T_IP { #ifdef HAVE_INET_PTON_IPV6 if (inet_pton(AF_INET6, $2, &conf.mcast.in) <= 0) fprintf(stderr, "%s is not a valid IPv6 address\n", $2); #endif if (conf.mcast.ipproto == AF_INET) { fprintf(stderr, "Your multicast address is IPv6 but " "is binded to an IPv4 interface? Surely " "this is not what you want\n"); return; } conf.mcast.ipproto = AF_INET6; }; multicast_option : T_IPV4_IFACE T_IP { if (!inet_aton($2, &conf.mcast.ifa)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s is not a valid IPv4 address\n"); return; } if (conf.mcast.ipproto == AF_INET6) { fprintf(stderr, "Your multicast interface is IPv4 but " "is binded to an IPv6 interface? Surely " "this is not what you want\n"); return; } conf.mcast.ipproto = AF_INET; }; multicast_option : T_IPV6_IFACE T_IP { #ifdef HAVE_INET_PTON_IPV6 if (inet_pton(AF_INET6, $2, &conf.mcast.ifa) <= 0) fprintf(stderr, "%s is not a valid IPv6 address\n", $2); #endif if (conf.mcast.ipproto == AF_INET) { fprintf(stderr, "Your multicast interface is IPv6 but " "is binded to an IPv4 interface? Surely " "this is not what you want\n"); return; } conf.mcast.ipproto = AF_INET6; }; multicast_option : T_IFACE T_STRING { strncpy(conf.mcast.iface, $2, IFNAMSIZ); }; multicast_option : T_BACKLOG T_NUMBER { fprintf(stderr, "Notice: Backlog option inside Multicast clause is " "obsolete. Please, remove it from conntrackd.conf.\n"); }; multicast_option : T_GROUP T_NUMBER { conf.mcast.port = $2; }; hashsize : T_HASHSIZE T_NUMBER { conf.hashsize = $2; }; hashlimit: T_HASHLIMIT T_NUMBER { conf.limit = $2; }; unix_line: T_UNIX '{' unix_options '}'; unix_options: | unix_options unix_option ; unix_option : T_PATH T_PATH_VAL { strcpy(conf.local.path, $2); }; unix_option : T_BACKLOG T_NUMBER { conf.local.backlog = $2; }; ignore_protocol: T_IGNORE_PROTOCOL '{' ignore_proto_list '}'; ignore_proto_list: | ignore_proto_list ignore_proto ; ignore_proto: T_NUMBER { if ($1 < IPPROTO_MAX) conf.ignore_protocol[$1] = 1; else fprintf(stdout, "Protocol number `%d' is freak\n", $1); }; ignore_proto: T_UDP { conf.ignore_protocol[IPPROTO_UDP] = 1; }; ignore_proto: T_ICMP { conf.ignore_protocol[IPPROTO_ICMP] = 1; }; ignore_proto: T_VRRP { conf.ignore_protocol[IPPROTO_VRRP] = 1; }; ignore_proto: T_IGMP { conf.ignore_protocol[IPPROTO_IGMP] = 1; }; sync: T_SYNC '{' sync_list '}'; sync_list: | sync_list sync_line; sync_line: refreshtime | expiretime | timeout | checksum | multicast_line | relax_transitions | delay_destroy_msgs | sync_mode_alarm | sync_mode_ftfw | listen_to | state_replication | cache_writethrough ; sync_mode_alarm: T_SYNC_MODE T_ALARM '{' sync_mode_alarm_list '}' { conf.flags |= SYNC_MODE_ALARM; }; sync_mode_ftfw: T_SYNC_MODE T_FTFW '{' sync_mode_ftfw_list '}' { conf.flags |= SYNC_MODE_FTFW; }; sync_mode_alarm_list: | sync_mode_alarm_list sync_mode_alarm_line; sync_mode_alarm_line: refreshtime | expiretime | timeout | relax_transitions | delay_destroy_msgs ; sync_mode_ftfw_list: | sync_mode_ftfw_list sync_mode_ftfw_line; sync_mode_ftfw_line: resend_buffer_size | timeout | window_size ; resend_buffer_size: T_RESEND_BUFFER_SIZE T_NUMBER { conf.resend_buffer_size = $2; }; window_size: T_WINDOWSIZE T_NUMBER { conf.window_size = $2; }; relax_transitions: T_RELAX_TRANSITIONS { fprintf(stderr, "Notice: RelaxTransitions clause is obsolete. " "Please, remove it from conntrackd.conf\n"); }; delay_destroy_msgs: T_DELAY { fprintf(stderr, "Notice: DelayDestroyMessages clause is obsolete. " "Please, remove it from conntrackd.conf\n"); }; listen_to: T_LISTEN_TO T_IP { union inet_address addr; #ifdef HAVE_INET_PTON_IPV6 if (inet_pton(AF_INET6, $2, &addr.ipv6) <= 0) #endif if (inet_aton($2, &addr.ipv4) <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s is not a valid IP address\n", $2); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (CONFIG(listen_to_len) == 0 || CONFIG(listen_to_len) % 16) { CONFIG(listen_to) = realloc(CONFIG(listen_to), sizeof(union inet_address) * (CONFIG(listen_to_len) + 16)); if (CONFIG(listen_to) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "cannot init listen_to array\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } memset(CONFIG(listen_to) + (CONFIG(listen_to_len) * sizeof(union inet_address)), 0, sizeof(union inet_address) * 16); } }; state_replication: T_REPLICATE states T_FOR state_proto; states: | states state; state_proto: T_TCP; state: tcp_state; tcp_state: T_SYN_SENT { extern struct state_replication_helper tcp_state_helper; state_helper_register(&tcp_state_helper, TCP_CONNTRACK_SYN_SENT); }; tcp_state: T_SYN_RECV { extern struct state_replication_helper tcp_state_helper; state_helper_register(&tcp_state_helper, TCP_CONNTRACK_SYN_RECV); }; tcp_state: T_ESTABLISHED { extern struct state_replication_helper tcp_state_helper; state_helper_register(&tcp_state_helper, TCP_CONNTRACK_ESTABLISHED); }; tcp_state: T_FIN_WAIT { extern struct state_replication_helper tcp_state_helper; state_helper_register(&tcp_state_helper, TCP_CONNTRACK_FIN_WAIT); }; tcp_state: T_CLOSE_WAIT { extern struct state_replication_helper tcp_state_helper; state_helper_register(&tcp_state_helper, TCP_CONNTRACK_CLOSE_WAIT); }; tcp_state: T_LAST_ACK { extern struct state_replication_helper tcp_state_helper; state_helper_register(&tcp_state_helper, TCP_CONNTRACK_LAST_ACK); }; tcp_state: T_TIME_WAIT { extern struct state_replication_helper tcp_state_helper; state_helper_register(&tcp_state_helper, TCP_CONNTRACK_TIME_WAIT); }; tcp_state: T_CLOSE { extern struct state_replication_helper tcp_state_helper; state_helper_register(&tcp_state_helper, TCP_CONNTRACK_CLOSE); }; tcp_state: T_LISTEN { extern struct state_replication_helper tcp_state_helper; state_helper_register(&tcp_state_helper, TCP_CONNTRACK_LISTEN); }; cache_writethrough: T_WRITE_THROUGH T_ON { conf.cache_write_through = 1; }; cache_writethrough: T_WRITE_THROUGH T_OFF { conf.cache_write_through = 0; }; general: T_GENERAL '{' general_list '}'; general_list: | general_list general_line ; general_line: hashsize | hashlimit | logfile_bool | logfile_path | syslog_facility | syslog_bool | lock | unix_line | netlink_buffer_size | netlink_buffer_size_max_grown | family ; netlink_buffer_size: T_BUFFER_SIZE T_NUMBER { conf.netlink_buffer_size = $2; }; netlink_buffer_size_max_grown : T_BUFFER_SIZE_MAX_GROWN T_NUMBER { conf.netlink_buffer_size_max_grown = $2; }; family : T_FAMILY T_STRING { if (strncmp($2, "IPv6", strlen("IPv6")) == 0) conf.family = AF_INET6; else conf.family = AF_INET; }; stats: T_SYNC '{' stats_list '}'; stats_list: | stats_list stat_line ; stat_line: | ; %% int yyerror(char *msg) { printf("Error parsing config file: "); printf("line (%d), symbol '%s': %s\n", yylineno, yytext, msg); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } int init_config(char *filename) { FILE *fp; fp = fopen(filename, "r"); if (!fp) return -1; /* Zero may be a valid facility */ CONFIG(syslog_facility) = -1; yyrestart(fp); yyparse(); fclose(fp); /* default to IPv4 */ if (CONFIG(family) == 0) CONFIG(family) = AF_INET; /* set to default is not specified */ if (strcmp(CONFIG(lockfile), "") == 0) strncpy(CONFIG(lockfile), DEFAULT_LOCKFILE, FILENAME_MAXLEN); /* default to 180 seconds of expiration time: cache entries */ if (CONFIG(cache_timeout) == 0) CONFIG(cache_timeout) = 180; /* default to 180 seconds: committed entries */ if (CONFIG(commit_timeout) == 0) CONFIG(commit_timeout) = 180; /* default to 60 seconds of refresh time */ if (CONFIG(refresh) == 0) CONFIG(refresh) = 60; if (CONFIG(resend_buffer_size) == 0) CONFIG(resend_buffer_size) = 262144; /* create empty pool */ if (!STATE(ignore_pool)) { STATE(ignore_pool) = ignore_pool_create(CONFIG(family)); if (!STATE(ignore_pool)) { fprintf(stdout, "Can't create ignore pool!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } /* default to a window size of 20 packets */ if (CONFIG(window_size) == 0) CONFIG(window_size) = 20; return 0; }