2.1.1 - Locking bug in ip_set_nethash.c (Clifford Wolf and Rob Carlson) - Makefile contained an unnecessary variable in IPSET_LIB_DIR (Clifford Wolf) - Safety checkings of restore in ipset was incomplete (Robin H. Johnson) - More careful resizing by avoiding locking completely - stdin stored internally in a temporary file, so we can feed 'ipset -R' from a pipe 2.1 - Lock debugging used with debugless lock definiton (Piotr Chytla and others). - Bindings were not properly filled out at listing (kernel) - When listing sets from kernel, id was not added to the set structure (ipset) - nethash hash type added - ipset manpage corrections (macipmap) 2.0.1 - Missing -fPIC in Makefile (Robert Iakobashvili) - Cut'n'paste bug at saving macipmap types (Vincent Bernat). 2.0 - Chaining of sets are changed: child sets replaced by bindings - Kernel-userspace communication reorganized to minimize the number of syscalls - Save and restore functionality implemented - iphash type reworked: clashing resolved by double-hashing and by dynamically growing the set 1.0 - Renamed to ipset - Rewritten to support child pools - portmap, iphash pool support added - too much other mods here and there to list...