ipset_list ========== ipset set listing wrapper script Features: ========== - Calculate sum of set members (and match on that count). - List only members of a specified set. - Choose a delimiter character for separating members. - Show only sets containing a specific (glob matching) header. - Arithmetic comparison on headers with an integer value. - Match members using a globbing or regex pattern. - Suppress listing of (glob matching) sets. - Suppress listing of (glob matching) headers. - Suppress listing of members matching a glob or regex pattern. - Calculate the total size in memory of all matching sets. - Calculate the amount of matching, excluded and traversed sets. - Colorize the output. - Operate on a single, selected, or all sets. - Programmable completion is included to make usage easier and faster. Examples: ========== - `ipset_list` - no args, just list set names - `ipset_list -c` - show all set names and their member sum - `ipset_list -t` - show all sets, but headers only - `ipset_list -c -t setA` - show headers and member sum of setA - `ipset_list -i setA` - show only members entries of setA - `ipset_list -c -m setA setB` - show members and sum of setA & setB - `ipset_list -a -c -d :` - show all sets members, sum and use `:' as entry delimiter - `ipset_list -a -c setA` - show all info of setA and its members sum - `ipset_list -c -m -d $'\n' setA` - show members and sum of setA, delim with newline - `ipset_list -m -r -s setA` - show members of setA resolved and sorted - `ipset_list -Fi References:0` - show all sets with 0 references - `ipset_list -Hr 0` - shortcut for -Fi References:0 - `ipset_list -Ht "!(hash:ip)"` - show sets which are not of type hash:ip - `ipset_list -Ht "!(bitmap:*)"` - show sets wich are not of any bitmap type - `ipset_list -Cs -Ht "hash:*"` - find sets of any hash type, count their amount. - `ipset_list -Ts` - show all set names and total count of sets. - `ipset_list -Tm` - calculate total size in memory of all sets. - `ipset_list -Xs setA -Xs setB` - show all set names, but exclude setA and setB. - `ipset_list -Xs "set[AB]"` - show all set names, but exclude setA and setB. - `ipset_list -Mc 0` - show sets with zero members - `ipset_list -Hr \>=1 -Hv 0 -Hs \>10000` - find sets with at least one reference, revision of 0 and size in memory greater than 10000 - `ipset_list -i -Fr "^210\..*" setA` - show only members of setA matching the regex "^210\\..*" - `ipset_list -Mc \>=100 -Mc \<=150` - show sets with a member count greater or equal to 100 and not greater than 150. - `ipset_list -a -c -Fh "Type:hash:ip" -Fr "^210\..*"` - show all information of sets with type hash:ip, matching the regex "^210\\..*", show match and members sum - `ipset_list -Fh Type:hash:ip -Fh "Header:family inet *"` - show all set names, which are of type hash:ip and header of ipv4. - `ipset_list -t -Xh "Revision:*" -Xh "References:*"` - show all sets headers, but exclude Revision and References entries. - `ipset_list -c -m -Xg "210.*" setA` - show members of setA, but suppress listing of entries matching the glob pattern "210.*", show count of excluded and total members. - `ipset_list -m -Fg "!(210.*)" setA` - show members of setA excluding the elements matching the negated glob. - `ipset_list -a -Xh "@(@(H|R|M)e*):*"` - show all info of all sets, but suppress Header, References, Revision and Member header entries (headers existing as per ipset 6.x -> tested version). - `ipset_list -t -Tm -Xh "@(Type|Re*|Header):*"` - show all sets headers, but suppress all but name and memsize entry, calculate the total memory size of all sets. - `ipset_list -t -Tm -Xh "!(Size*|Type):*" -Ts -Co` List all sets headers, but suppress all but name, type and memsize entry, count amount of sets, calculate total memory usage, colorize the output. - `ipset_list -t -Ht "!(@(bit|port)map):*" -Xh "!(Type):*"` - show all sets that are neither of type bitmap or portmap, suppress all but the type header. - `ipset_list -c -t -Cs -Ts -Xh "@(Size*|Re*|Header):*" -Ht "!(bitmap:*)"` - find all sets not of any bitmap type, count their members sum, display only the 'Type' header, count amount of matching and traversed sets. - `ipset_list -Co -c -Ts -Tm` - show all set names, count their members, count total amount of sets, show total memory usage of all sets, colorize the output - `ipset_list -m -r -To 0` - show members of all sets, try to resolve hosts, set the timeout to 0 (effectivly disabling it).