#ifndef _LIBIPT_SET_H #define _LIBIPT_SET_H #include #include #include #include #ifdef DEBUG #define DEBUGP(x, args...) fprintf(stderr, x, ## args) #else #define DEBUGP(x, args...) #endif static void parse_bindings(const char *opt_arg, struct ipt_set_info *info) { char *saved = strdup(opt_arg); char *ptr, *tmp = saved; int i = 0; while (i < (IP_SET_MAX_BINDINGS - 1) && tmp != NULL) { ptr = strsep(&tmp, ","); if (strncmp(ptr, "src", 3) == 0) info->flags[i++] |= IPSET_SRC; else if (strncmp(ptr, "dst", 3) == 0) info->flags[i++] |= IPSET_DST; else xtables_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM, "You must spefify (the comma separated list of) 'src' or 'dst'."); } if (tmp) xtables_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM, "Can't follow bindings deeper than %i.", IP_SET_MAX_BINDINGS - 1); free(saved); } static int get_version(unsigned *version) { int res, sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_RAW); struct ip_set_req_version req_version; socklen_t size = sizeof(req_version); if (sockfd < 0) xtables_error(OTHER_PROBLEM, "Can't open socket to ipset.\n"); req_version.op = IP_SET_OP_VERSION; res = getsockopt(sockfd, SOL_IP, SO_IP_SET, &req_version, &size); if (res != 0) xtables_error(OTHER_PROBLEM, "Kernel module ip_set is not loaded in.\n"); *version = req_version.version; return sockfd; } static void get_set_byname(const char *setname, struct ipt_set_info *info) { struct ip_set_req_get_set req; socklen_t size = sizeof(struct ip_set_req_get_set); int res, sockfd; sockfd = get_version(&req.version); req.op = IP_SET_OP_GET_BYNAME; strncpy(req.set.name, setname, IP_SET_MAXNAMELEN); req.set.name[IP_SET_MAXNAMELEN - 1] = '\0'; res = getsockopt(sockfd, SOL_IP, SO_IP_SET, &req, &size); close(sockfd); if (res != 0) xtables_error(OTHER_PROBLEM, "Problem when communicating with ipset, errno=%d.\n", errno); if (size != sizeof(struct ip_set_req_get_set)) xtables_error(OTHER_PROBLEM, "Incorrect return size from kernel during ipset lookup, " "(want %zu, got %zu)\n", sizeof(struct ip_set_req_get_set), (size_t)size); if (req.set.index == IP_SET_INVALID_ID) xtables_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM, "Set %s doesn't exist.\n", setname); info->index = req.set.index; } static void get_set_byid(char * setname, ip_set_id_t idx) { struct ip_set_req_get_set req; socklen_t size = sizeof(struct ip_set_req_get_set); int res, sockfd; sockfd = get_version(&req.version); req.op = IP_SET_OP_GET_BYINDEX; req.set.index = idx; res = getsockopt(sockfd, SOL_IP, SO_IP_SET, &req, &size); close(sockfd); if (res != 0) xtables_error(OTHER_PROBLEM, "Problem when communicating with ipset, errno=%d.\n", errno); if (size != sizeof(struct ip_set_req_get_set)) xtables_error(OTHER_PROBLEM, "Incorrect return size from kernel during ipset lookup, " "(want %zu, got %zu)\n", sizeof(struct ip_set_req_get_set), (size_t)size); if (req.set.name[0] == '\0') xtables_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM, "Set id %i in kernel doesn't exist.\n", idx); strncpy(setname, req.set.name, IP_SET_MAXNAMELEN); } #endif /*_LIBIPT_SET_H*/