This module, when combined with connection tracking, allows access to the connection tracking state for this packet/connection. .TP [\fB!\fR] \fB--ctstate\fR \fIstatelist\fR \fIstatelist\fR is a comma separated list of the connection states to match. Possible states are listed below. .TP [\fB!\fR] \fB--ctproto\fR \fIl4proto\fR Layer-4 protocol to match (by number or name) .TP [\fB!\fR] \fB--ctorigsrc\fR \fIaddress\fR[\fB/\fR\fImask\fR] .TP [\fB!\fR] \fB--ctorigdst\fR \fIaddress\fR[\fB/\fR\fImask\fR] .TP [\fB!\fR] \fB--ctreplsrc\fR \fIaddress\fR[\fB/\fR\fImask\fR] .TP [\fB!\fR] \fB--ctrepldst\fR \fIaddress\fR[\fB/\fR\fImask\fR] Match against original/reply source/destination address .TP [\fB!\fR] \fB--ctorigsrcport\fR \fIport\fR .TP [\fB!\fR] \fB--ctorigdstport\fR \fIport\fR .TP [\fB!\fR] \fB--ctreplsrcport\fR \fIport\fR .TP [\fB!\fR] \fB--ctrepldstport\fR \fIport\fR Match against original/reply source/destination port (TCP/UDP/etc.) or GRE key. .TP [\fB!\fR] \fB--ctstatus\fR \fIstatelist\fR \fIstatuslist\fR is a comma separated list of the connection statuses to match. Possible statuses are listed below. .TP [\fB!\fR] \fB--ctexpire\fR \fItime\fR[\fB:\fR\fItime\fR] Match remaining lifetime in seconds against given value or range of values (inclusive) .TP \fB--ctdir\fR {\fBORIGINAL\fR|\fBREPLY\fR} Match packets that are flowing in the specified direction. If this flag is not specified at all, matches packets in both directions. .PP States for \fB--ctstate\fR: .TP \fBINVALID\fR meaning that the packet is associated with no known connection .TP \fBNEW\fR meaning that the packet has started a new connection, or otherwise associated with a connection which has not seen packets in both directions, and .TP \fBESTABLISHED\fR meaning that the packet is associated with a connection which has seen packets in both directions, .TP \fBRELATED\fR meaning that the packet is starting a new connection, but is associated with an existing connection, such as an FTP data transfer, or an ICMP error. .TP \fBSNAT\fR A virtual state, matching if the original source address differs from the reply destination. .TP \fBDNAT\fR A virtual state, matching if the original destination differs from the reply source. .PP Statuses for \fB--ctstatus\fR: .TP \fBNONE\fR None of the below. .TP \fBEXPECTED\fR This is an expected connection (i.e. a conntrack helper set it up) .TP \fBSEEN_REPLY\fR Conntrack has seen packets in both directions. .TP \fBASSURED\fR Conntrack entry should never be early-expired. .TP \fBCONFIRMED\fR Connection is confirmed: originating packet has left box.