/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Authors: * Libarptc code from: Bart De Schuymer * Port to libxtables: Tomasz Bursztyka */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static void mangle_help(void) { printf( "mangle target options:\n" "--mangle-ip-s IP address\n" "--mangle-ip-d IP address\n" "--mangle-mac-s MAC address\n" "--mangle-mac-d MAC address\n" "--mangle-target target (DROP, CONTINUE or ACCEPT -- default is ACCEPT)\n" ); } #define MANGLE_IPS '1' #define MANGLE_IPT '2' #define MANGLE_DEVS '3' #define MANGLE_DEVT '4' #define MANGLE_TARGET '5' static const struct xt_option_entry mangle_opts[] = { { .name = "mangle-ip-s", .id = MANGLE_IPS, .type = XTTYPE_STRING, .flags = XTOPT_MAND }, { .name = "mangle-ip-d", .id = MANGLE_IPT, .type = XTTYPE_STRING, .flags = XTOPT_MAND }, { .name = "mangle-mac-s", .id = MANGLE_DEVS, .type = XTTYPE_STRING, .flags = XTOPT_MAND }, { .name = "mangle-mac-d", .id = MANGLE_DEVT, .type = XTTYPE_STRING, .flags = XTOPT_MAND }, { .name = "mangle-target", .id = MANGLE_TARGET, .type = XTTYPE_STRING, .flags = XTOPT_MAND }, XTOPT_TABLEEND, }; static struct in_addr *network_to_addr(const char *name) { struct netent *net; static struct in_addr addr; if ((net = getnetbyname(name)) != NULL) { if (net->n_addrtype != AF_INET) return (struct in_addr *) NULL; addr.s_addr = htonl((unsigned long) net->n_net); return &addr; } return (struct in_addr *) NULL; } static void inaddrcpy(struct in_addr *dst, struct in_addr *src) { dst->s_addr = src->s_addr; } static struct in_addr *host_to_addr(const char *name, unsigned int *naddr) { struct hostent *host; struct in_addr *addr; unsigned int i; *naddr = 0; if ((host = gethostbyname(name)) != NULL) { if (host->h_addrtype != AF_INET || host->h_length != sizeof(struct in_addr)) return (struct in_addr *) NULL; while (host->h_addr_list[*naddr] != (char *) NULL) (*naddr)++; addr = xtables_calloc(*naddr, sizeof(struct in_addr)); for (i = 0; i < *naddr; i++) inaddrcpy(&(addr[i]), (struct in_addr *) host->h_addr_list[i]); return addr; } return (struct in_addr *) NULL; } static int string_to_number(const char *s, unsigned int min, unsigned int max, unsigned int *ret) { long number; char *end; /* Handle hex, octal, etc. */ errno = 0; number = strtol(s, &end, 0); if (*end == '\0' && end != s) { /* we parsed a number, let's see if we want this */ if (errno != ERANGE && min <= number && number <= max) { *ret = number; return 0; } } return -1; } static struct in_addr *dotted_to_addr(const char *dotted) { static struct in_addr addr; unsigned char *addrp; char *p, *q; unsigned int onebyte; int i; char buf[20]; /* copy dotted string, because we need to modify it */ strncpy(buf, dotted, sizeof(buf) - 1); addrp = (unsigned char *) &(addr.s_addr); p = buf; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if ((q = strchr(p, '.')) == NULL) return (struct in_addr *) NULL; *q = '\0'; if (string_to_number(p, 0, 255, &onebyte) == -1) return (struct in_addr *) NULL; addrp[i] = (unsigned char) onebyte; p = q + 1; } /* we've checked 3 bytes, now we check the last one */ if (string_to_number(p, 0, 255, &onebyte) == -1) return (struct in_addr *) NULL; addrp[3] = (unsigned char) onebyte; return &addr; } static struct in_addr *parse_hostnetwork(const char *name, unsigned int *naddrs) { struct in_addr *addrp, *addrptmp; if ((addrptmp = dotted_to_addr(name)) != NULL || (addrptmp = network_to_addr(name)) != NULL) { addrp = xtables_malloc(sizeof(struct in_addr)); inaddrcpy(addrp, addrptmp); *naddrs = 1; return addrp; } if ((addrp = host_to_addr(name, naddrs)) != NULL) return addrp; xtables_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM, "host/network `%s' not found", name); } static void mangle_parse(struct xt_option_call *cb) { const struct arpt_entry *e = cb->xt_entry; struct arpt_mangle *mangle = cb->data; struct in_addr *ipaddr; struct ether_addr *macaddr; /* mangle target is by default "ACCEPT". Setting it here, * since original arpt_mangle.c init() no longer exists*/ mangle->target = NF_ACCEPT; xtables_option_parse(cb); switch (cb->entry->id) { case MANGLE_IPS: /* if (e->arp.arpln_mask == 0) xtables_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM, "no pln defined"); if (e->arp.invflags & ARPT_INV_ARPPLN) xtables_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM, "! pln not allowed for --mangle-ip-s"); */ /* if (e->arp.arpln != 4) xtables_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM, "only pln=4 supported"); */ { unsigned int nr; ipaddr = parse_hostnetwork(cb->arg, &nr); } mangle->u_s.src_ip.s_addr = ipaddr->s_addr; free(ipaddr); mangle->flags |= ARPT_MANGLE_SIP; break; case MANGLE_IPT: /* if (e->arp.arpln_mask == 0) xtables_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM, "no pln defined"); if (e->arp.invflags & ARPT_INV_ARPPLN) xtables_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM, "! pln not allowed for --mangle-ip-d"); */ /* if (e->arp.arpln != 4) xtables_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM, "only pln=4 supported"); */ { unsigned int nr; ipaddr = parse_hostnetwork(cb->arg, &nr); } mangle->u_t.tgt_ip.s_addr = ipaddr->s_addr; free(ipaddr); mangle->flags |= ARPT_MANGLE_TIP; break; case MANGLE_DEVS: if (e->arp.arhln_mask == 0) xtables_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM, "no --h-length defined"); if (e->arp.invflags & ARPT_INV_ARPHLN) xtables_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM, "! --h-length not allowed for " "--mangle-mac-s"); if (e->arp.arhln != 6) xtables_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM, "only --h-length 6 supported"); macaddr = ether_aton(cb->arg); if (macaddr == NULL) xtables_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM, "invalid source MAC"); memcpy(mangle->src_devaddr, macaddr, e->arp.arhln); mangle->flags |= ARPT_MANGLE_SDEV; break; case MANGLE_DEVT: if (e->arp.arhln_mask == 0) xtables_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM, "no --h-length defined"); if (e->arp.invflags & ARPT_INV_ARPHLN) xtables_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM, "! hln not allowed for --mangle-mac-d"); if (e->arp.arhln != 6) xtables_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM, "only --h-length 6 supported"); macaddr = ether_aton(cb->arg); if (macaddr == NULL) xtables_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM, "invalid target MAC"); memcpy(mangle->tgt_devaddr, macaddr, e->arp.arhln); mangle->flags |= ARPT_MANGLE_TDEV; break; case MANGLE_TARGET: if (!strcmp(cb->arg, "DROP")) mangle->target = NF_DROP; else if (!strcmp(cb->arg, "ACCEPT")) mangle->target = NF_ACCEPT; else if (!strcmp(cb->arg, "CONTINUE")) mangle->target = ARPT_CONTINUE; else xtables_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM, "bad target for --mangle-target"); break; } } static void mangle_fcheck(struct xt_fcheck_call *cb) { } static char *addr_to_dotted(const struct in_addr *addrp) { static char buf[20]; const unsigned char *bytep; bytep = (const unsigned char *) &(addrp->s_addr); sprintf(buf, "%d.%d.%d.%d", bytep[0], bytep[1], bytep[2], bytep[3]); return buf; } static char *addr_to_host(const struct in_addr *addr) { struct hostent *host; if ((host = gethostbyaddr((char *) addr, sizeof(struct in_addr), AF_INET)) != NULL) return (char *) host->h_name; return (char *) NULL; } static char *addr_to_network(const struct in_addr *addr) { struct netent *net; if ((net = getnetbyaddr((long) ntohl(addr->s_addr), AF_INET)) != NULL) return (char *) net->n_name; return (char *) NULL; } static char *addr_to_anyname(const struct in_addr *addr) { char *name; if ((name = addr_to_host(addr)) != NULL || (name = addr_to_network(addr)) != NULL) return name; return addr_to_dotted(addr); } static void print_mac(const unsigned char *mac, int l) { int j; for (j = 0; j < l; j++) printf("%02x%s", mac[j], (j==l-1) ? "" : ":"); } static void mangle_print(const void *ip, const struct xt_entry_target *target, int numeric) { const struct arpt_mangle *m = (const void *)target; char buf[100]; if (m->flags & ARPT_MANGLE_SIP) { if (numeric) sprintf(buf, "%s", addr_to_dotted(&(m->u_s.src_ip))); else sprintf(buf, "%s", addr_to_anyname(&(m->u_s.src_ip))); printf("--mangle-ip-s %s ", buf); } if (m->flags & ARPT_MANGLE_SDEV) { printf("--mangle-mac-s "); print_mac((unsigned char *)m->src_devaddr, 6); printf(" "); } if (m->flags & ARPT_MANGLE_TIP) { if (numeric) sprintf(buf, "%s", addr_to_dotted(&(m->u_t.tgt_ip))); else sprintf(buf, "%s", addr_to_anyname(&(m->u_t.tgt_ip))); printf("--mangle-ip-d %s ", buf); } if (m->flags & ARPT_MANGLE_TDEV) { printf("--mangle-mac-d "); print_mac((unsigned char *)m->tgt_devaddr, 6); printf(" "); } if (m->target != NF_ACCEPT) { printf("--mangle-target "); if (m->target == NF_DROP) printf("DROP "); else printf("CONTINUE "); } } static void mangle_save(const void *ip, const struct xt_entry_target *target) { } static struct xtables_target mangle_tg_reg = { .family = NFPROTO_ARP, .name = "mangle", .version = XTABLES_VERSION, .size = XT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct arpt_mangle)), .userspacesize = XT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct arpt_mangle)), .help = mangle_help, .x6_parse = mangle_parse, .x6_fcheck = mangle_fcheck, .print = mangle_print, .save = mangle_save, .x6_options = mangle_opts, }; void _init(void) { xtables_register_target(&mangle_tg_reg); }