path: root/tests/shell/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/shell/')
1 files changed, 922 insertions, 87 deletions
diff --git a/tests/shell/ b/tests/shell/
index 349ec6cb..6a9b518c 100755
--- a/tests/shell/
+++ b/tests/shell/
@@ -1,57 +1,617 @@
-# Configuration
-TESTDIR="./$(dirname $0)/testcases"
-SRC_NFT="$(dirname $0)/../../src/nft"
-DIFF=$(which diff)
+export LANG=C
+export LC_ALL=C
+if [ -z "$NO_COLOR" ] ; then
+ if [ -n "$CLICOLOR_FORCE" ] || [[ -t 1 ]] ; then
+ # See . We only check isatty() on
+ # file descriptor 1, to decide whether colorizing happens (although,
+ # we might also colorize on other places/FDs).
+ GREEN=$'\e[32m'
+ YELLOW=$'\e[33m'
+ RED=$'\e[31m'
+ RESET=$'\e[0m'
+ fi
+array_contains() {
+ local needle="$1"
+ local a
+ shift
+ for a; do
+ [ "$a" = "$needle" ] && return 0
+ done
+ return 1
+array_remove_first() {
+ local _varname="$1"
+ local _needle="$2"
+ local _result=()
+ local _a
+ eval "local _input=( \"\${$_varname[@]}\" )"
+ for _a in "${_input[@]}" ; do
+ if [ -n "${_needle+x}" -a "$_needle" = "$_a" ] ; then
+ unset _needle
+ else
+ _result+=("$_a")
+ fi
+ done
+ eval "$_varname="'( "${_result[@]}" )'
+colorize_keywords() {
+ local out_variable="$1"
+ local color="$2"
+ local val="$3"
+ local val2
+ shift 3
+ printf -v val2 '%q' "$val"
+ array_contains "$val" "$@" && val2="$color$val2$RESET"
+ printf -v "$out_variable" '%s' "$val2"
+strtonum() {
+ local s="$1"
+ local n
+ local n2
+ re='^[[:space:]]*([0-9]+)[[:space:]]*$'
+ if [[ "$s" =~ $re ]] ; then
+ n="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"
+ if [ "$(( n + 0 ))" = "$n" ] ; then
+ echo "$n"
+ return 0
+ fi
+ fi
+ re='^[[:space:]]*0x([0-9a-fA-F]+)[[:space:]]*$'
+ if [[ "$s" =~ $re ]] ; then
+ n="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"
+ n2="$(( 16#$n + 0 ))"
+ if [ "$n2" = "$(printf '%d' "0x$n" 2>/dev/null)" ] ; then
+ echo "$n2"
+ return 0
+ fi
+ fi
+ return 1
+_msg() {
+ local level="$1"
+ shift
+ if [ "$level" = E ] ; then
+ printf '%s\n' "$RED$level$RESET: $*"
+ elif [ "$level" = W ] ; then
+ printf '%s\n' "$YELLOW$level$RESET: $*"
+ else
+ printf '%s\n' "$level: $*"
+ fi
+ if [ "$level" = E ] ; then
+ exit 1
+ fi
msg_error() {
- echo "E: $1 ..." >&2
- exit 1
+ _msg E "$@"
msg_warn() {
- echo "W: $1" >&2
+ _msg W "$@"
msg_info() {
- echo "I: $1"
+ _msg I "$@"
-if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ] ; then
- msg_error "this requires root!"
+align_text() {
+ local _OUT_VARNAME="$1"
+ local _LEFT_OR_RIGHT="$2"
+ local _INDENT="$3"
+ shift 3
+ local _text="$*"
+ local _text_plain
+ local _text_align
+ local _text_result
+ local _i
+ # This function is needed, because "$text" might contain color escape
+ # sequences. A plain `printf '%12s' "$text"` will not align properly.
+ # strip escape sequences
+ _text_plain="${_text//$'\e['[0-9]m/}"
+ _text_plain="${_text_plain//$'\e['[0-9][0-9]m/}"
+ _text_align=""
+ for (( _i = "${#_text_plain}" ; "$_i" < "$_INDENT" ; _i++ )) ; do
+ _text_align="$_text_align "
+ done
+ if [ "$_LEFT_OR_RIGHT" = left ] ; then
+ _text_result="$(printf "%s$_text_align-" "$_text")"
+ else
+ _text_result="$(printf "$_text_align%s-" "$_text")"
+ fi
+ _text_result="${_text_result%-}"
+ eval "$_OUT_VARNAME=\"\$_text_result\""
+bool_n() {
+ case "$1" in
+ n|N|no|No|NO|0|false|False|FALSE)
+ printf n
+ ;;
+ *)
+ printf y
+ ;;
+ esac
+bool_y() {
+ case "$1" in
+ y|Y|yes|Yes|YES|1|true|True|TRUE)
+ printf y
+ ;;
+ *)
+ printf n
+ ;;
+ esac
+usage() {
+ echo " $0 [OPTIONS] [TESTS...]"
+ echo
+ echo "OPTIONS:"
+ echo " -h|--help : Print usage."
+ echo " -L|--list-tests : List test names and quit."
+ echo " -v : Sets VERBOSE=y."
+ echo " -g : Sets DUMPGEN=y."
+ echo " -V : Sets VALGRIND=y."
+ echo " -K : Sets KMEMLEAK=y."
+ echo " -R|--without-realroot : Sets NFT_TEST_HAS_REALROOT=n."
+ echo " -U|--no-unshare : Sets NFT_TEST_UNSHARE_CMD=\"\"."
+ echo " -k|--keep-logs : Sets NFT_TEST_KEEP_LOGS=y."
+ echo " -x : Sets NFT_TEST_VERBOSE_TEST=y."
+ echo " -s|--sequential : Sets NFT_TEST_JOBS=0, which also enables global cleanups."
+ echo " Also sets NFT_TEST_SHUFFLE_TESTS=n if left unspecified."
+ echo " -Q|--quick : Sets NFT_TEST_SKIP_slow=y."
+ echo " -S|--setup-host : Modify the host to run as rootless. Otherwise, some tests will be"
+ echo " skipped. Basically, this bumps /proc/sys/net/core/{wmem_max,rmem_max}."
+ echo " Must run as root and this option must be specified alone."
+ echo " -- : Separate options from tests."
+ echo " [TESTS...] : Other options are treated as test names,"
+ echo " that is, executables that are run by the runner."
+ echo
+ echo " NFT=<CMD> : Path to nft executable. Will be called as \`\$NFT [...]\` so"
+ echo " it can be a command with parameters. Note that in this mode quoting"
+ echo " does not work, so the usage is limited and the command cannot contain"
+ echo " spaces."
+ echo " NFT_REAL=<CMD> : Real nft comand. Usually this is just the same as \$NFT,"
+ echo " however, you may set NFT='valgrind nft' and NFT_REAL to the real command."
+ echo " VERBOSE=*|y : Enable verbose output."
+ echo " NFT_TEST_VERBOSE_TEST=*|y: if true, enable verbose output for tests. For bash scripts, this means"
+ echo " to pass \"-x\" to the interpreter."
+ echo " DUMPGEN=*|y|all : Regenerate dump files \".{nft,json-nft,nodump}\". \"DUMPGEN=y\" only regenerates existing"
+ echo " files, unless the test has no files (then all three files are generated, and you need to"
+ echo " choose which to keep). With \"DUMPGEN=all\" all 3 files are regenerated, regardless"
+ echo " whether they already exist."
+ echo " VALGRIND=*|y : Run \$NFT in valgrind."
+ echo " KMEMLEAK=*|y : Check for kernel memleaks."
+ echo " NFT_TEST_HAS_REALROOT=*|y : To indicate whether the test has real root permissions."
+ echo " Usually, you don't need this and it gets autodetected."
+ echo " You might want to set it, if you know better than the"
+ echo " \`id -u\` check, whether the user is root in the main namespace."
+ echo " Note that without real root, certain tests may not work,"
+ echo " e.g. due to limited /proc/sys/net/core/{wmem_max,rmem_max}."
+ echo " Checks that cannot pass in such environment should check for"
+ echo " [ \"\$NFT_TEST_HAS_REALROOT\" != y ] and skip gracefully."
+ echo " NFT_TEST_HAS_SOCKET_LIMITS=*|n : some tests will fail if /proc/sys/net/core/{wmem_max,rmem_max} is"
+ echo " too small. When running as real root, then test can override those limits. However,"
+ echo " with rootless the test would fail. Tests will check for [ "\$NFT_TEST_HAS_SOCKET_LIMITS" = y ]"
+ echo " and skip. You may set NFT_TEST_HAS_SOCKET_LIMITS=n if you ensure those limits are"
+ echo " suitable to run the test rootless. Otherwise will be autodetected."
+ echo " Set /proc/sys/net/core/{wmem_max,rmem_max} to at least 4MB to get them to pass automatically."
+ echo " NFT_TEST_UNSHARE_CMD=cmd : when set, this is the command line for an unshare"
+ echo " command, which is used to sandbox each test invocation. By"
+ echo " setting it to empty, no unsharing is done."
+ echo " By default it is unset, in which case it's autodetected as"
+ echo " \`unshare -f -p\` (for root) or as \`unshare -f -p --mount-proc -U --map-root-user -n\`"
+ echo " for non-root."
+ echo " When setting this, you may also want to set NFT_TEST_HAS_UNSHARED=,"
+ echo " NFT_TEST_HAS_UNSHARED=*|y : To indicate to the test whether the test run will be unshared."
+ echo " Test may consider this."
+ echo " This is only honored when \$NFT_TEST_UNSHARE_CMD= is set. Otherwise it's detected."
+ echo " NFT_TEST_HAS_UNSHARED_MOUNT=*|y : To indicate to the test whether the test run will have a private"
+ echo " mount namespace."
+ echo " This is only honored when \$NFT_TEST_UNSHARE_CMD= is set. Otherwise it's detected."
+ echo " NFT_TEST_KEEP_LOGS=*|y: Keep the temp directory. On success, it will be deleted by default."
+ echo " NFT_TEST_JOBS=<NUM}>: number of jobs for parallel execution. Defaults to \"\$(nproc)*1.5\" for parallel run."
+ echo " Setting this to \"0\" or \"1\", means to run jobs sequentially."
+ echo " Setting this to \"0\" means also to perform global cleanups between tests (remove"
+ echo " kernel modules)."
+ echo " Parallel jobs requires unshare and are disabled with NFT_TEST_UNSHARE_CMD=\"\"."
+ echo " NFT_TEST_FAIL_ON_SKIP=*|y: if any jobs are skipped, exit with error."
+ echo " NFT_TEST_RANDOM_SEED=<SEED>: The test runner will export the environment variable NFT_TEST_RANDOM_SEED"
+ echo " set to a random number. This can be used as a stable seed for tests to randomize behavior."
+ echo " Set this to a fixed value to get reproducible behavior."
+ echo " NFT_TEST_SHUFFLE_TESTS=*|n|y: control whether to randomly shuffle the order of tests. By default, if"
+ echo " tests are specified explicitly, they are not shuffled while they are shuffled when"
+ echo " all tests are run. The shuffling is based on NFT_TEST_RANDOM_SEED."
+ echo " TMPDIR=<PATH> : select a different base directory for the result data."
+ echo
+ echo " NFT_TEST_HAVE_<FEATURE>=*|y: Some tests requires certain features or will be skipped."
+ echo " The features are autodetected, but you can force it by setting the variable."
+ echo " Supported <FEATURE>s are: ${_HAVE_OPTS[@]}."
+ echo " NFT_TEST_SKIP_<OPTION>=*|y: if set, certain tests are skipped."
+ echo " Supported <OPTION>s are: ${_SKIP_OPTS[@]}."
+NFT_TEST_BASEDIR="$(dirname "$0")"
+# Export the base directory. It may be used by tests.
+shopt -s nullglob
+F=( "$NFT_TEST_BASEDIR/features/"*.nft "$NFT_TEST_BASEDIR/features/"*.sh )
+shopt -u nullglob
+for file in "${F[@]}"; do
+ feat="${file##*/}"
+ feat="${feat%.*}"
+ re="^[a-z_0-9]+$"
+ if [[ "$feat" =~ $re ]] && ! array_contains "$feat" "${_HAVE_OPTS[@]}" && [[ "$file" != *.sh || -x "$file" ]] ; then
+ _HAVE_OPTS+=( "$feat" )
+ else
+ msg_warn "Ignore feature file \"$file\""
+ fi
+_HAVE_OPTS=( $(printf '%s\n' "${_HAVE_OPTS[@]}" | sort) )
+for KEY in $(compgen -v | grep '^NFT_TEST_HAVE_' | sort) ; do
+ if ! array_contains "${KEY#NFT_TEST_HAVE_}" "${_HAVE_OPTS[@]}" ; then
+ unset "$KEY"
+ fi
+_SKIP_OPTS=( slow )
+for KEY in $(compgen -v | grep '^NFT_TEST_SKIP_' | sort) ; do
+ if ! array_contains "${KEY#NFT_TEST_SKIP_}" "${_SKIP_OPTS[@]}" ; then
+ unset "$KEY"
+ fi
+[ "$_NFT_TEST_JOBS_DEFAULT" -gt 0 ] 2>/dev/null || _NFT_TEST_JOBS_DEFAULT=1
+VERBOSE="$(bool_y "$VERBOSE")"
+if [ "$DUMPGEN" != "all" ] ; then
+ DUMPGEN="$(bool_y "$DUMPGEN")"
+VALGRIND="$(bool_y "$VALGRIND")"
+KMEMLEAK="$(bool_y "$KMEMLEAK")"
+NFT_TEST_SKIP_slow="$(bool_y "$NFT_TEST_SKIP_slow")"
-if [ "${1}" != "run" ]; then
- if unshare -f -n true; then
- unshare -n "${0}" run $@
- exit $?
+if [ -z "$NFT_TEST_RANDOM_SEED" ] ; then
+ # Choose a random value.
+ n="$SRANDOM"
+ [ -z "$n" ] && n="$RANDOM"
+ # Parse as number.
+ n="$(strtonum "$NFT_TEST_RANDOM_SEED")"
+ if [ -z "$n" ] ; then
+ # If not a number, pick a hash based on the SHA-sum of the seed.
+ n="$(printf "%d" "0x$(sha256sum <<<"NFT_TEST_RANDOM_SEED:$NFT_TEST_RANDOM_SEED" | sed -n '1 { s/^\(........\).*/\1/p }')")"
- msg_warn "cannot run in own namespace, connectivity might break"
+# Limit a 31 bit decimal so tests can rely on this being in a certain
+# restricted form.
+NFT_TEST_RANDOM_SEED="$(( $n % 0x80000000 ))"
-[ -z "$NFT" ] && NFT=$SRC_NFT
-${NFT} > /dev/null 2>&1
-if [ ${ret} -eq 126 ] || [ ${ret} -eq 127 ]; then
- msg_error "cannot execute nft command: ${NFT}"
+ARGV_ORIG=( "$@" )
+while [ $# -gt 0 ] ; do
+ A="$1"
+ shift
+ case "$A" in
+ -S|--setup-host)
+ ;;
+ *)
+ ;;
+ esac
+ case "$A" in
+ -S|--setup-host)
+ ;;
+ -v)
+ ;;
+ -x)
+ ;;
+ -g)
+ ;;
+ -V)
+ ;;
+ -K)
+ ;;
+ -h|--help)
+ usage
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ -k|--keep-logs)
+ ;;
+ -L|--list-tests)
+ ;;
+ -R|--without-realroot)
+ ;;
+ -U|--no-unshare)
+ ;;
+ -s|--sequential)
+ if [ -z "$NFT_TEST_SHUFFLE_TESTS" ] ; then
+ fi
+ ;;
+ -Q|--quick)
+ NFT_TEST_SKIP_slow=y
+ ;;
+ --)
+ TESTS+=( "$@" )
+ shift $#
+ ;;
+ *)
+ TESTS+=( "$A" )
+ ;;
+ esac
+sysctl_bump() {
+ local sysctl="$1"
+ local val="$2"
+ local cur;
+ cur="$(cat "$sysctl" 2>/dev/null)" || :
+ if [ -n "$cur" -a "$cur" -ge "$val" ] ; then
+ echo "# Skip: echo $val > $sysctl (current value $cur)"
+ return 0
+ fi
+ echo " echo $val > $sysctl (previous value $cur)"
+ echo "$val" > "$sysctl"
+setup_host() {
+ echo "Setting up host for running as rootless (requires root)."
+ sysctl_bump /proc/sys/net/core/rmem_max $((4000*1024)) || return $?
+ sysctl_bump /proc/sys/net/core/wmem_max $((4000*1024)) || return $?
+if [ -n "$SETUP_HOST" ] ; then
+ if [ "$SETUP_HOST_OTHER" = y ] ; then
+ msg_error "The $SETUP_HOST option must be specified alone."
+ fi
+ setup_host
+ exit $?
+find_tests() {
+ find "$1" -type f -executable | sort
+if [ "${#TESTS[@]}" -eq 0 ] ; then
+ d="$NFT_TEST_BASEDIR/testcases/"
+ d="${d#./}"
+ TESTS=( $(find_tests "$d") )
+ test "${#TESTS[@]}" -gt 0 || msg_error "Could not find tests"
+ if [ -z "$NFT_TEST_SHUFFLE_TESTS" ] ; then
+ fi
+TESTSOLD=( "${TESTS[@]}" )
+for t in "${TESTSOLD[@]}" ; do
+ if [ -f "$t" -a -x "$t" ] ; then
+ TESTS+=( "$t" )
+ elif [ -d "$t" ] ; then
+ TESTS+=( $(find_tests "$t") )
+ else
+ msg_error "Unknown test \"$t\""
+ fi
+if [ "$DO_LIST_TESTS" = y ] ; then
+ printf '%s\n' "${TESTS[@]}"
+ exit 0
+START_TIME="$(cut -d ' ' -f1 /proc/uptime)"
+# Export the orignal TMPDIR for the tests. "" sets TMPDIR to
+# NFT_TEST_TESTTMPDIR, so that temporary files are placed along side the
+# test data. In some cases, we may want to know the original TMPDIR.
+if [ "$NFT_TEST_HAS_REALROOT" = "" ] ; then
+ # The caller didn't set NFT_TEST_HAS_REALROOT and didn't specify
+ # -R/--without-root option. Autodetect it based on `id -u`.
+ export NFT_TEST_HAS_REALROOT="$(test "$(id -u)" = "0" && echo y || echo n)"
- msg_info "using nft command: ${NFT}"
-if [ ! -d "$TESTDIR" ] ; then
- msg_error "missing testdir $TESTDIR"
+if [ "$NFT_TEST_HAS_SOCKET_LIMITS" = "" ] ; then
+ if [ "$NFT_TEST_HAS_REALROOT" = y ] ; then
+ elif [ "$(cat /proc/sys/net/core/wmem_max 2>/dev/null)" -ge $((4000*1024)) ] 2>/dev/null && \
+ [ "$(cat /proc/sys/net/core/rmem_max 2>/dev/null)" -ge $((4000*1024)) ] 2>/dev/null ; then
+ else
+ fi
-FIND="$(which find)"
-if [ ! -x "$FIND" ] ; then
- msg_error "no find binary found"
+detect_unshare() {
+ if ! $1 true &>/dev/null ; then
+ return 1
+ fi
+ return 0
+if [ -n "${NFT_TEST_UNSHARE_CMD+x}" ] ; then
+ # User overrides the unshare command.
+ if ! detect_unshare "$NFT_TEST_UNSHARE_CMD" ; then
+ msg_error "Cannot unshare via NFT_TEST_UNSHARE_CMD=$(printf '%q' "$NFT_TEST_UNSHARE_CMD")"
+ fi
+ if [ -z "${NFT_TEST_HAS_UNSHARED+x}" ] ; then
+ # Autodetect NFT_TEST_HAS_UNSHARED based one whether
+ if [ -n "$NFT_TEST_UNSHARE_CMD" ] ; then
+ else
+ fi
+ else
+ fi
+ if [ -z "${NFT_TEST_HAS_UNSHARED_MOUNT+x}" ] ; then
+ if [ "$NFT_TEST_HAS_UNSHARED" == y ] ; then
+ unshare*-m*|unshare*--mount-proc*)
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ else
+ fi
+ if [ "$NFT_TEST_HAS_REALROOT" = y ] ; then
+ # We appear to have real root. So try to unshare
+ # without a separate USERNS. CLONE_NEWUSER will break
+ # tests that are limited by
+ # /proc/sys/net/core/{wmem_max,rmem_max}. With real
+ # root, we want to test that.
+ if detect_unshare "unshare -f -n -m" ; then
+ else
+ detect_unshare "unshare -f -n" ||
+ detect_unshare "unshare -f -p -m --mount-proc -U --map-root-user -n" ||
+ detect_unshare "unshare -f -U --map-root-user -n"
+ fi
+ else
+ if detect_unshare "unshare -f -p -m --mount-proc -U --map-root-user -n" ; then
+ else
+ detect_unshare "unshare -f -U --map-root-user -n"
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ -z "$NFT_TEST_UNSHARE_CMD" ] ; then
+ msg_error "Unshare does not work. Run as root with -U/--no-unshare or set NFT_TEST_UNSHARE_CMD"
+ fi
+# If tests wish, they can know whether they are unshared via this variable.
-MODPROBE="$(which modprobe)"
-if [ ! -x "$MODPROBE" ] ; then
- msg_error "no modprobe binary found"
+# normalize the jobs number to be an integer.
+case "$NFT_TEST_JOBS" in
+if [ -z "$NFT_TEST_UNSHARE_CMD" -a "$NFT_TEST_JOBS" -gt 1 ] ; then
+[ -z "$NFT" ] && NFT="$NFT_TEST_BASEDIR/../../src/nft"
+${NFT} > /dev/null 2>&1
+if [ ${ret} -eq 126 ] || [ ${ret} -eq 127 ]; then
+ msg_error "cannot execute nft command: $NFT"
+ local with_path="$NFT_TEST_BASEDIR/features/$1"
+ if [ -r "$with_path.nft" ] ; then
+ $NFT_TEST_UNSHARE_CMD "$NFT_REAL" --check -f "$with_path.nft" &>/dev/null
+ return $?
+ fi
+ if [ -x "$" ] ; then
+ NFT="$NFT_REAL" $NFT_TEST_UNSHARE_CMD "$" &>/dev/null
+ return $?
+ fi
+ return 1
+for feat in "${_HAVE_OPTS[@]}" ; do
+ var="NFT_TEST_HAVE_$feat"
+ if [ -z "${!var+x}" ] ; then
+ val='y'
+ feature_probe "$feat" || val='n'
+ else
+ val="$(bool_n "${!var}")"
+ fi
+ eval "export $var=$val"
+ if [ "$NFT_TEST_HAS_UNSHARED" != y ] ; then
+ $NFT flush ruleset
+ fi
+if [ "$NFT_TEST_JOBS" -eq 0 ] ; then
+ MODPROBE="$(which modprobe)"
+ if [ ! -x "$MODPROBE" ] ; then
+ msg_error "no modprobe binary found"
+ fi
DIFF="$(which diff)"
@@ -59,23 +619,102 @@ if [ ! -x "$DIFF" ] ; then
-if [ "$1" == "-v" ] ; then
- shift
+declare -A JOBS_PIDLIST
-if [ "$1" == "-g" ] ; then
- shift
+cleanup_on_exit() {
+ pids_search=''
+ for pid in "${JOBS_PIDLIST_ARR[@]}" ; do
+ kill -- "-$pid" &>/dev/null
+ pids_search="$pids_search\\|\\<$pid\\>"
+ done
+ if [ -n "$pids_search" ] ; then
+ pids_search="${pids_search:2}"
+ for i in {1..100}; do
+ ps xh -o pgrp | grep -q "$pids_search" || break
+ sleep 0.01
+ done
+ fi
+ if [ "$NFT_TEST_KEEP_LOGS" != y -a -n "$NFT_TEST_TMPDIR" ] ; then
+ rm -rf "$NFT_TEST_TMPDIR"
+ fi
+ if [ -n "$_NFT_TEST_VALGRIND_VGDB_PREFIX" ] ; then
+ rm -rf "$_NFT_TEST_VALGRIND_VGDB_PREFIX"* &>/dev/null
+ fi
+trap 'exit 130' SIGINT
+trap 'exit 143' SIGTERM
+trap 'rc=$?; cleanup_on_exit; exit $rc' EXIT
+TIMESTAMP=$(date '+%Y%m%d-%H%M%S.%3N')
+NFT_TEST_TMPDIR="$(mktemp --tmpdir="$_TMPDIR" -d "nft-test.$TIMESTAMP$NFT_TEST_TMPDIR_TAG.XXXXXX")" ||
+ msg_error "Failure to create temp directory in \"$_TMPDIR\""
+chmod 755 "$NFT_TEST_TMPDIR"
+exec &> >(tee "$NFT_TEST_TMPDIR/test.log")
-for arg in "$@"; do
- SINGLE+=" $arg"
+msg_info "conf: NFT=$(printf '%q' "$NFT")"
+msg_info "conf: NFT_REAL=$(printf '%q' "$NFT_REAL")"
+msg_info "conf: VERBOSE=$(printf '%q' "$VERBOSE")"
+msg_info "conf: NFT_TEST_VERBOSE_TEST=$(printf '%q' "$NFT_TEST_VERBOSE_TEST")"
+msg_info "conf: DUMPGEN=$(printf '%q' "$DUMPGEN")"
+msg_info "conf: VALGRIND=$(printf '%q' "$VALGRIND")"
+msg_info "conf: KMEMLEAK=$(printf '%q' "$KMEMLEAK")"
+msg_info "conf: NFT_TEST_HAS_REALROOT=$(printf '%q' "$NFT_TEST_HAS_REALROOT")"
+colorize_keywords value "$YELLOW" "$NFT_TEST_HAS_SOCKET_LIMITS" y
+msg_info "conf: NFT_TEST_HAS_SOCKET_LIMITS=$value"
+msg_info "conf: NFT_TEST_UNSHARE_CMD=$(printf '%q' "$NFT_TEST_UNSHARE_CMD")"
+msg_info "conf: NFT_TEST_HAS_UNSHARED=$(printf '%q' "$NFT_TEST_HAS_UNSHARED")"
+msg_info "conf: NFT_TEST_KEEP_LOGS=$(printf '%q' "$NFT_TEST_KEEP_LOGS")"
+msg_info "conf: NFT_TEST_JOBS=$NFT_TEST_JOBS"
+msg_info "conf: TMPDIR=$(printf '%q' "$_TMPDIR")"
+for KEY in $(compgen -v | grep '^NFT_TEST_SKIP_' | sort) ; do
+ colorize_keywords value "$YELLOW" "${!KEY}" y
+ msg_info "conf: $KEY=$value"
+ export "$KEY"
+for KEY in $(compgen -v | grep '^NFT_TEST_HAVE_' | sort) ; do
+ colorize_keywords value "$YELLOW" "${!KEY}" n
+ msg_info "conf: $KEY=$value"
+ export "$KEY"
+# export the tmp directory for tests. They may use it, but create distinct
+# files! On success, it will be deleted on EXIT. See also "--keep-logs"
+msg_info "info: NFT_TEST_BASEDIR=$(printf '%q' "$NFT_TEST_BASEDIR")"
+msg_info "info: NFT_TEST_TMPDIR=$(printf '%q' "$NFT_TEST_TMPDIR")"
+if [ "$VALGRIND" == "y" ]; then
+ NFT="$NFT_TEST_BASEDIR/helpers/"
+ msg_info "info: NFT=$(printf '%q' "$NFT")"
kernel_cleanup() {
- $NFT flush ruleset
+ if [ "$NFT_TEST_JOBS" -ne 0 ] ; then
+ # When we run jobs in parallel (even with only one "parallel"
+ # job via `NFT_TEST_JOBS=1`), we skip such global cleanups.
+ return
+ fi
+ if [ "$NFT_TEST_HAS_UNSHARED" != y ] ; then
+ $NFT flush ruleset
+ fi
$MODPROBE -raq \
nft_reject_ipv4 nft_reject_bridge nft_reject_ipv6 nft_reject \
nft_redir_ipv4 nft_redir_ipv6 nft_redir \
@@ -87,6 +726,7 @@ kernel_cleanup() {
nft_fib nft_fib_ipv4 nft_fib_ipv6 nft_fib_inet \
nft_hash nft_ct nft_compat nft_rt nft_objref \
nft_set_hash nft_set_rbtree nft_set_bitmap \
+ nft_synproxy nft_connlimit \
nft_chain_nat \
nft_chain_route_ipv4 nft_chain_route_ipv6 \
nft_dup_netdev nft_fwd_netdev \
@@ -97,67 +737,262 @@ kernel_cleanup() {
-find_tests() {
- if [ ! -z "$SINGLE" ] ; then
- echo $SINGLE
+echo ""
+ test -f /sys/kernel/debug/kmemleak || return 0
+ echo scan > /sys/kernel/debug/kmemleak
+ lines=$(grep "unreferenced object" /sys/kernel/debug/kmemleak | wc -l)
+ if [ $lines -ne $kmemleak_found ];then
+ msg_warn "[FAILED] kmemleak detected $lines memory leaks"
+ kmemleak_found=$lines
+ fi
+ if [ $lines -ne 0 ];then
+ return 1
+ fi
+ return 0
+ test -f /sys/kernel/debug/kmemleak || return
+ if [ "$KMEMLEAK" == "y" ] ; then
+ check_kmemleak_force
- ${FIND} ${TESTDIR} -type f -executable | sort
+ kmem_runs=$((kmem_runs + 1))
+ if [ $((kmem_runs % 30)) -eq 0 ]; then
+ # scan slows tests down quite a bit, hence
+ # do this only for every 30th test file by
+ # default.
+ check_kmemleak_force
+ fi
-echo ""
-for testfile in $(find_tests)
- kernel_cleanup
+read kernel_tainted < /proc/sys/kernel/tainted
+if [ "$kernel_tainted" -ne 0 ] ; then
+ msg_warn "kernel is tainted"
+ echo
+print_test_header() {
+ local msglevel="$1"
+ local testfile="$2"
+ local testidx_completed="$3"
+ local status="$4"
+ local text
+ local s_idx
+ s_idx="${#TESTS[@]}"
+ align_text text right "${#s_idx}" "$testidx_completed"
+ s_idx="$text/${#TESTS[@]}"
+ align_text text left 12 "[$status]"
+ _msg "$msglevel" "$text $s_idx $testfile"
+print_test_result() {
+ local testfile="$2"
+ local rc_got="$3"
- msg_info "[EXECUTING] $testfile"
- test_output=$(NFT="$NFT" DIFF=$DIFF ${testfile} 2>&1)
- rc_got=$?
- echo -en "\033[1A\033[K" # clean the [EXECUTING] foobar line
+ local result_msg_level="I"
+ local result_msg_files=( "$NFT_TEST_TESTTMPDIR/testout.log" "$NFT_TEST_TESTTMPDIR/ruleset-diff" )
+ local result_msg_status
if [ "$rc_got" -eq 0 ] ; then
- # check nft dump only for positive tests
- dumppath="$(dirname ${testfile})/dumps"
- dumpfile="${dumppath}/$(basename ${testfile}).nft"
- rc_spec=0
- if [ "$rc_got" -eq 0 ] && [ -f ${dumpfile} ]; then
- test_output=$(${DIFF} -u ${dumpfile} <($NFT list ruleset) 2>&1)
- rc_spec=$?
+ ((ok++))
+ result_msg_status="${GREEN}OK$RESET"
+ elif [ "$rc_got" -eq 77 ] ; then
+ ((skipped++))
+ result_msg_status="${YELLOW}SKIPPED$RESET"
+ else
+ ((failed++))
+ result_msg_level="W"
+ if [ "$rc_got" -eq 121 ] ; then
+ result_msg_status="CHK DUMP"
+ elif [ "$rc_got" -eq 122 ] ; then
+ result_msg_status="VALGRIND"
+ elif [ "$rc_got" -eq 123 ] ; then
+ result_msg_status="TAINTED"
+ elif [ "$rc_got" -eq 124 ] ; then
+ result_msg_status="DUMP FAIL"
+ else
+ result_msg_status="FAILED"
+ result_msg_status="$RED$result_msg_status$RESET"
+ result_msg_files=( "$NFT_TEST_TESTTMPDIR/testout.log" )
+ fi
- if [ "$rc_spec" -eq 0 ]; then
- msg_info "[OK] $testfile"
- [ "$VERBOSE" == "y" ] && [ ! -z "$test_output" ] && echo "$test_output"
- ((ok++))
+ print_test_header "$result_msg_level" "$testfile" "$((ok + skipped + failed))" "$result_msg_status"
- if [ "$DUMPGEN" == "y" ] && [ "$rc_got" == 0 ] && [ ! -f "${dumpfile}" ]; then
- mkdir -p "${dumppath}"
- $NFT list ruleset > "${dumpfile}"
- fi
- else
- ((failed++))
- if [ "$VERBOSE" == "y" ] ; then
- msg_warn "[DUMP FAIL] $testfile: dump diff detected"
- [ ! -z "$test_output" ] && echo "$test_output"
- else
- msg_warn "[DUMP FAIL] $testfile"
+ if [ "$VERBOSE" = "y" ] ; then
+ local f
+ for f in "${result_msg_files[@]}"; do
+ if [ -s "$f" ] ; then
+ cat "$f"
+ done
+ if [ "$rc_got" -ne 0 ] ; then
+ msg_info "check \"$NFT_TEST_TESTTMPDIR\""
- else
- ((failed++))
- if [ "$VERBOSE" == "y" ] ; then
- msg_warn "[FAILED] $testfile: got $rc_got"
- [ ! -z "$test_output" ] && echo "$test_output"
+ fi
+declare -A JOBS_TEMPDIR
+job_start() {
+ local testfile="$1"
+ local testidx="$2"
+ if [ "$NFT_TEST_JOBS" -le 1 ] && [[ -t 1 ]]; then
+ print_test_header I "$testfile" "$testidx" "EXECUTING"
+ fi
+ NFT="$NFT" \
+ DIFF="$DIFF" \
+ $NFT_TEST_UNSHARE_CMD "$NFT_TEST_BASEDIR/helpers/" "$testfile"
+ local rc_got=$?
+ if [ "$NFT_TEST_JOBS" -le 1 ] && [[ -t 1 ]]; then
+ echo -en "\033[1A\033[K" # clean the [EXECUTING] foobar line
+ fi
+ return "$rc_got"
+# `wait -p` is only supported since bash 5.1
+[ "${BASH_VERSINFO[0]}" -le 4 -o \( "${BASH_VERSINFO[0]}" -eq 5 -a "${BASH_VERSINFO[1]}" -eq 0 \) ] && WAIT_SUPPORTS_P=0
+ local num_jobs="$1"
+ local rc_got
+ while [ "${#JOBS_PIDLIST_ARR[@]}" -gt 0 -a "${#JOBS_PIDLIST_ARR[@]}" -ge "$num_jobs" ] ; do
+ if [ "$WAIT_SUPPORTS_P" = 1 ] ; then
+ wait -n -p JOBCOMPLETED
+ rc_got="$?"
+ array_remove_first JOBS_PIDLIST_ARR "$JOBCOMPLETED"
- msg_warn "[FAILED] $testfile"
+ # Without `wait -p` support, we need to explicitly wait
+ # for a PID. That reduces parallelism.
+ wait -n "$JOBCOMPLETED"
+ rc_got="$?"
- fi
+ local testfile2="${JOBS_PIDLIST[$JOBCOMPLETED]}"
+ print_test_result "${JOBS_TEMPDIR["$testfile2"]}" "$testfile2" "$rc_got"
+ check_kmemleak
+ done
+if [ "$NFT_TEST_SHUFFLE_TESTS" = y ] ; then
+ TESTS=( $(printf '%s\n' "${TESTS[@]}" | shuf --random-source=<("$NFT_TEST_BASEDIR/helpers/" "nft-test-shuffle-tests" "$NFT_TEST_RANDOM_SEED") ) )
+for testfile in "${TESTS[@]}" ; do
+ job_wait "$NFT_TEST_JOBS"
+ kernel_cleanup
+ ((TESTIDX++))
+ chmod 755 "$NFT_TEST_TESTTMPDIR"
+ [[ -o monitor ]] && set_old_state='set -m' || set_old_state='set +m'
+ set -m
+ ( job_start "$testfile" "$TESTIDX" ) &
+ pid=$!
+ eval "$set_old_state"
+ JOBS_PIDLIST[$pid]="$testfile"
+ JOBS_PIDLIST_ARR+=( "$pid" )
+job_wait 0
echo ""
-msg_info "results: [OK] $ok [FAILED] $failed [TOTAL] $((ok+failed))"
+# kmemleak may report suspected leaks
+# that get free'd after all, so always do
+# a check after all test cases
+# have completed and reset the counter
+# so another warning gets emitted.
+if [ "$NFT_TEST_FAIL_ON_SKIP" = y ] ; then
+ failed_total="$((failed_total + skipped))"
+if [ "$failed_total" -gt 0 ] ; then
+ RR="$RED"
+elif [ "$skipped" -gt 0 ] ; then
+msg_info "${RR}results$RESET: [OK] $GREEN$ok$RESET [SKIPPED] $YELLOW$skipped$RESET [FAILED] $RED$failed$RESET [TOTAL] $((ok+skipped+failed))"
-exit $failed
+# ( \
+# for d in /tmp/nft-test.latest.*/test-*/ ; do \
+# printf '%10.2f %s\n' \
+# "$(sed '1!d' "$d/times")" \
+# "$(cat "$d/name")" ; \
+# done \
+# | sort -n \
+# | awk '{print $0; s+=$1} END{printf("%10.2f\n", s)}' ; \
+# printf '%10.2f wall time\n' "$(sed '1!d' /tmp/nft-test.latest.*/times)" \
+# )
+END_TIME="$(cut -d ' ' -f1 /proc/uptime)"
+WALL_TIME="$(awk -v start="$START_TIME" -v end="$END_TIME" "BEGIN { print(end - start) }")"
+printf "%s\n" "$WALL_TIME" "$START_TIME" "$END_TIME" > "$NFT_TEST_TMPDIR/times"
+if [ "$failed_total" -gt 0 -o "$NFT_TEST_KEEP_LOGS" = y ] ; then
+ msg_info "check the temp directory \"$NFT_TEST_TMPDIR\" (\"$NFT_TEST_LATEST\")"
+ msg_info " ls -lad \"$NFT_TEST_LATEST\"/*/*"
+ msg_info " grep -R ^ \"$NFT_TEST_LATEST\"/"
+if [ "$failed" -gt 0 ] ; then
+ exit 1
+elif [ "$NFT_TEST_FAIL_ON_SKIP" = y -a "$skipped" -gt 0 ] ; then
+ msg_info "some tests were skipped. Fail due to NFT_TEST_FAIL_ON_SKIP=y"
+ exit 1
+elif [ "$ok" -eq 0 -a "$skipped" -gt 0 ] ; then
+ exit 77
+ exit 0