# -*- Autoconf -*- # Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. AC_PREREQ(2.61) AC_COPYRIGHT([Copyright (c) 2008 Patrick McHardy ]) AC_INIT([nftables], [0.099], [netfilter-devel@vger.kernel.org]) AC_DEFINE([RELEASE_NAME], ["keith-alexander-filter"], [Release name]) AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([src/rule.c]) AC_CONFIG_HEADER([config.h]) AC_DEFINE([_GNU_SOURCE], [], [Enable various GNU extensions]) AC_DEFINE([_STDC_FORMAT_MACROS], [], [printf-style format macros]) AC_ARG_ENABLE([debug], AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-debug], [Enable debugging]), [CONFIG_DEBUG="$(echo $enableval | cut -b1)"], [CONFIG_DEBUG="y"]) AC_SUBST([CONFIG_DEBUG]) # Checks for programs. AC_PROG_CC AC_PROG_MKDIR_P AC_PROG_INSTALL AC_PROG_SED AC_CHECK_PROG(CONFIG_MAN, docbook2x-man, y, n) if test "$CONFIG_MAN" != "y" then AC_MSG_WARN([docbookx2-man not found, no manpages will be built]) fi AC_CHECK_PROG(CONFIG_PDF, db2pdf, y, n) if test "$CONFIG_PDF" != "y" then AC_MSG_WARN([db2pdf not found, no PDF manpages will be built]) fi AC_PATH_PROG(LEX, [flex]) if test -z "$LEX" then AC_MSG_ERROR([No suitable version of flex found]) fi AC_PATH_PROG(YACC, [bison]) if test -z "$YACC" then AC_MSG_ERROR([No suitable version of bison found]) fi # Checks for libraries. AC_CHECK_LIB([mnl], [mnl_socket_open], , AC_MSG_ERROR([No suitable version of libmnl found])) AC_CHECK_LIB([nftnl], [nft_rule_alloc], , AC_MSG_ERROR([No suitable version of libnftnl found])) AC_CHECK_LIB([gmp], [__gmpz_init], , AC_MSG_ERROR([No suitable version of libgmp found])) AC_CHECK_LIB([readline], [readline], , AC_MSG_ERROR([No suitable version of libreadline found])) # Checks for header files. AC_HEADER_STDC AC_HEADER_ASSERT AC_CHECK_HEADERS([arpa/inet.h fcntl.h inttypes.h libintl.h limits.h malloc.h \ netdb.h netinet/in.h netinet/ip.h netinet/ip6.h \ netinet/tcp.h netinet/udp.h netinet/ip_icmp.h \ stddef.h stdint.h stdlib.h string.h unistd.h], , AC_MSG_ERROR([Header file not found])) # Checks for typedefs, structures, and compiler characteristics. AC_HEADER_STDBOOL AC_C_CONST AC_C_INLINE AC_TYPE_OFF_T AC_TYPE_SIZE_T AC_TYPE_UID_T AC_TYPE_INT8_T AC_TYPE_INT16_T AC_TYPE_INT32_T AC_TYPE_INT64_T AC_TYPE_UINT8_T AC_TYPE_UINT16_T AC_TYPE_UINT32_T AC_TYPE_UINT64_T # Checks for library functions. AC_FUNC_MALLOC AC_FUNC_REALLOC AC_CHECK_FUNCS([memmove memset strchr strdup strerror strtoull]) AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile Makefile.defs Makefile.rules]) AC_CONFIG_FILES([src/Makefile doc/Makefile files/Makefile]) AC_OUTPUT