/* * Copyright (c) 2008 Patrick McHardy * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * Development of this code funded by Astaro AG (http://www.astaro.com/) */ #include #include #include #include /* isdigit */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static const struct datatype *datatypes[TYPE_MAX + 1] = { [TYPE_INVALID] = &invalid_type, [TYPE_VERDICT] = &verdict_type, [TYPE_NFPROTO] = &nfproto_type, [TYPE_BITMASK] = &bitmask_type, [TYPE_INTEGER] = &integer_type, [TYPE_STRING] = &string_type, [TYPE_LLADDR] = &lladdr_type, [TYPE_IPADDR] = &ipaddr_type, [TYPE_IP6ADDR] = &ip6addr_type, [TYPE_ETHERADDR] = ðeraddr_type, [TYPE_ETHERTYPE] = ðertype_type, [TYPE_INET_PROTOCOL] = &inet_protocol_type, [TYPE_INET_SERVICE] = &inet_service_type, [TYPE_TIME] = &time_type, [TYPE_MARK] = &mark_type, [TYPE_ARPHRD] = &arphrd_type, [TYPE_ICMP_CODE] = &icmp_code_type, [TYPE_ICMPV6_CODE] = &icmpv6_code_type, [TYPE_ICMPX_CODE] = &icmpx_code_type, }; void datatype_register(const struct datatype *dtype) { datatypes[dtype->type] = dtype; } const struct datatype *datatype_lookup(enum datatypes type) { if (type > TYPE_MAX) return NULL; return datatypes[type]; } const struct datatype *datatype_lookup_byname(const char *name) { const struct datatype *dtype; enum datatypes type; for (type = TYPE_INVALID; type <= TYPE_MAX; type++) { dtype = datatypes[type]; if (dtype == NULL) continue; if (!strcmp(dtype->name, name)) return dtype; } return NULL; } void datatype_print(const struct expr *expr) { const struct datatype *dtype = expr->dtype; do { if (dtype->print != NULL) return dtype->print(expr); if (dtype->sym_tbl != NULL) return symbolic_constant_print(dtype->sym_tbl, expr); } while ((dtype = dtype->basetype)); BUG("datatype %s has no print method or symbol table\n", expr->dtype->name); } struct error_record *symbol_parse(const struct expr *sym, struct expr **res) { const struct datatype *dtype = sym->dtype; assert(sym->ops->type == EXPR_SYMBOL); if (dtype == NULL) return error(&sym->location, "No symbol type information"); do { if (dtype->parse != NULL) return dtype->parse(sym, res); if (dtype->sym_tbl != NULL) return symbolic_constant_parse(sym, dtype->sym_tbl, res); } while ((dtype = dtype->basetype)); return error(&sym->location, "Can't parse symbolic %s expressions", sym->dtype->desc); } struct error_record *symbolic_constant_parse(const struct expr *sym, const struct symbol_table *tbl, struct expr **res) { const struct symbolic_constant *s; const struct datatype *dtype; struct error_record *erec; for (s = tbl->symbols; s->identifier != NULL; s++) { if (!strcmp(sym->identifier, s->identifier)) break; } if (s->identifier != NULL) goto out; dtype = sym->dtype; *res = NULL; do { if (dtype->basetype->parse) { erec = dtype->basetype->parse(sym, res); if (erec != NULL) return erec; if (*res) return NULL; goto out; } } while ((dtype = dtype->basetype)); return error(&sym->location, "Could not parse %s", sym->dtype->desc); out: *res = constant_expr_alloc(&sym->location, sym->dtype, sym->dtype->byteorder, sym->dtype->size, constant_data_ptr(s->value, sym->dtype->size)); return NULL; } void symbolic_constant_print(const struct symbol_table *tbl, const struct expr *expr) { const struct symbolic_constant *s; uint64_t val = 0; /* Export the data in the correct byteorder for comparison */ assert(expr->len / BITS_PER_BYTE <= sizeof(val)); mpz_export_data(constant_data_ptr(val, expr->len), expr->value, expr->byteorder, expr->len / BITS_PER_BYTE); for (s = tbl->symbols; s->identifier != NULL; s++) { if (val == s->value) break; } if (s->identifier == NULL) return expr_basetype(expr)->print(expr); printf("%s", s->identifier); } void symbol_table_print(const struct symbol_table *tbl, const struct datatype *dtype) { const struct symbolic_constant *s; unsigned int size = 2 * dtype->size / BITS_PER_BYTE; for (s = tbl->symbols; s->identifier != NULL; s++) printf("\t%-30s\t0x%.*" PRIx64 "\n", s->identifier, size, s->value); } static void invalid_type_print(const struct expr *expr) { gmp_printf("0x%Zx [invalid type]", expr->value); } const struct datatype invalid_type = { .type = TYPE_INVALID, .name = "invalid", .desc = "invalid", .print = invalid_type_print, }; static void verdict_type_print(const struct expr *expr) { switch (expr->verdict) { case NFT_CONTINUE: printf("continue"); break; case NFT_BREAK: printf("break"); break; case NFT_JUMP: printf("jump %s", expr->chain); break; case NFT_GOTO: printf("goto %s", expr->chain); break; case NFT_RETURN: printf("return"); break; default: switch (expr->verdict & NF_VERDICT_MASK) { case NF_ACCEPT: printf("accept"); break; case NF_DROP: printf("drop"); break; case NF_QUEUE: printf("queue"); break; default: BUG("invalid verdict value %u\n", expr->verdict); } } } const struct datatype verdict_type = { .type = TYPE_VERDICT, .name = "verdict", .desc = "netfilter verdict", .print = verdict_type_print, }; static const struct symbol_table nfproto_tbl = { .symbols = { SYMBOL("ipv4", NFPROTO_IPV4), SYMBOL("ipv6", NFPROTO_IPV6), SYMBOL_LIST_END }, }; const struct datatype nfproto_type = { .type = TYPE_NFPROTO, .name = "nf_proto", .desc = "netfilter protocol", .size = 1 * BITS_PER_BYTE, .basetype = &integer_type, .sym_tbl = &nfproto_tbl, }; const struct datatype bitmask_type = { .type = TYPE_BITMASK, .name = "bitmask", .desc = "bitmask", .basetype = &integer_type, }; static void integer_type_print(const struct expr *expr) { const char *fmt = "%Zu"; if (expr->dtype->basefmt != NULL) fmt = expr->dtype->basefmt; gmp_printf(fmt, expr->value); } static struct error_record *integer_type_parse(const struct expr *sym, struct expr **res) { mpz_t v; int len; mpz_init(v); if (gmp_sscanf(sym->identifier, "%Zu%n", v, &len) != 1 || (int)strlen(sym->identifier) != len) { mpz_clear(v); return error(&sym->location, "Could not parse %s", sym->dtype->desc); } *res = constant_expr_alloc(&sym->location, sym->dtype, BYTEORDER_HOST_ENDIAN, 1, NULL); mpz_set((*res)->value, v); mpz_clear(v); return NULL; } const struct datatype integer_type = { .type = TYPE_INTEGER, .name = "integer", .desc = "integer", .print = integer_type_print, .parse = integer_type_parse, }; static void string_type_print(const struct expr *expr) { unsigned int len = div_round_up(expr->len, BITS_PER_BYTE); char data[len+1]; mpz_export_data(data, expr->value, BYTEORDER_HOST_ENDIAN, len); data[len] = '\0'; printf("\"%s\"", data); } static struct error_record *string_type_parse(const struct expr *sym, struct expr **res) { *res = constant_expr_alloc(&sym->location, &string_type, BYTEORDER_HOST_ENDIAN, (strlen(sym->identifier) + 1) * BITS_PER_BYTE, sym->identifier); return NULL; } const struct datatype string_type = { .type = TYPE_STRING, .name = "string", .desc = "string", .byteorder = BYTEORDER_HOST_ENDIAN, .print = string_type_print, .parse = string_type_parse, }; static void lladdr_type_print(const struct expr *expr) { unsigned int len = div_round_up(expr->len, BITS_PER_BYTE); const char *delim = ""; uint8_t data[len]; unsigned int i; mpz_export_data(data, expr->value, BYTEORDER_HOST_ENDIAN, len); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { printf("%s%.2x", delim, data[i]); delim = ":"; } } static struct error_record *lladdr_type_parse(const struct expr *sym, struct expr **res) { char buf[strlen(sym->identifier) + 1], *p; const char *s = sym->identifier; unsigned int len, n; for (len = 0;;) { n = strtoul(s, &p, 16); if (s == p || n > 0xff) return erec_create(EREC_ERROR, &sym->location, "Invalid LL address"); buf[len++] = n; if (*p == '\0') break; s = ++p; } *res = constant_expr_alloc(&sym->location, sym->dtype, BYTEORDER_HOST_ENDIAN, len * BITS_PER_BYTE, buf); return NULL; } const struct datatype lladdr_type = { .type = TYPE_LLADDR, .name = "ll_addr", .desc = "link layer address", .byteorder = BYTEORDER_HOST_ENDIAN, .basetype = &integer_type, .print = lladdr_type_print, .parse = lladdr_type_parse, }; static void ipaddr_type_print(const struct expr *expr) { struct sockaddr_in sin = { .sin_family = AF_INET, }; char buf[NI_MAXHOST]; int err; sin.sin_addr.s_addr = mpz_get_be32(expr->value); err = getnameinfo((struct sockaddr *)&sin, sizeof(sin), buf, sizeof(buf), NULL, 0, ip2name_output ? 0 : NI_NUMERICHOST); if (err != 0) { getnameinfo((struct sockaddr *)&sin, sizeof(sin), buf, sizeof(buf), NULL, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST); } printf("%s", buf); } static struct error_record *ipaddr_type_parse(const struct expr *sym, struct expr **res) { struct addrinfo *ai, hints = { .ai_family = AF_INET, .ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM}; struct in_addr *addr; int err; err = getaddrinfo(sym->identifier, NULL, &hints, &ai); if (err != 0) return error(&sym->location, "Could not resolve hostname: %s", gai_strerror(err)); if (ai->ai_next != NULL) { freeaddrinfo(ai); return error(&sym->location, "Hostname resolves to multiple addresses"); } addr = &((struct sockaddr_in *)ai->ai_addr)->sin_addr; *res = constant_expr_alloc(&sym->location, &ipaddr_type, BYTEORDER_BIG_ENDIAN, sizeof(*addr) * BITS_PER_BYTE, addr); freeaddrinfo(ai); return NULL; } const struct datatype ipaddr_type = { .type = TYPE_IPADDR, .name = "ipv4_addr", .desc = "IPv4 address", .byteorder = BYTEORDER_BIG_ENDIAN, .size = 4 * BITS_PER_BYTE, .basetype = &integer_type, .print = ipaddr_type_print, .parse = ipaddr_type_parse, .flags = DTYPE_F_PREFIX, }; static void ip6addr_type_print(const struct expr *expr) { struct sockaddr_in6 sin6 = { .sin6_family = AF_INET6 }; char buf[NI_MAXHOST]; int err; mpz_export_data(&sin6.sin6_addr, expr->value, BYTEORDER_BIG_ENDIAN, sizeof(sin6.sin6_addr)); err = getnameinfo((struct sockaddr *)&sin6, sizeof(sin6), buf, sizeof(buf), NULL, 0, ip2name_output ? 0 : NI_NUMERICHOST); if (err != 0) { getnameinfo((struct sockaddr *)&sin6, sizeof(sin6), buf, sizeof(buf), NULL, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST); } printf("%s", buf); } static struct error_record *ip6addr_type_parse(const struct expr *sym, struct expr **res) { struct addrinfo *ai, hints = { .ai_family = AF_INET6, .ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM}; struct in6_addr *addr; int err; err = getaddrinfo(sym->identifier, NULL, &hints, &ai); if (err != 0) return error(&sym->location, "Could not resolve hostname: %s", gai_strerror(err)); if (ai->ai_next != NULL) { freeaddrinfo(ai); return error(&sym->location, "Hostname resolves to multiple addresses"); } addr = &((struct sockaddr_in6 *)ai->ai_addr)->sin6_addr; *res = constant_expr_alloc(&sym->location, &ip6addr_type, BYTEORDER_BIG_ENDIAN, sizeof(*addr) * BITS_PER_BYTE, addr); freeaddrinfo(ai); return NULL; } const struct datatype ip6addr_type = { .type = TYPE_IP6ADDR, .name = "ipv6_addr", .desc = "IPv6 address", .byteorder = BYTEORDER_BIG_ENDIAN, .size = 16 * BITS_PER_BYTE, .basetype = &integer_type, .print = ip6addr_type_print, .parse = ip6addr_type_parse, .flags = DTYPE_F_PREFIX, }; static void inet_protocol_type_print(const struct expr *expr) { struct protoent *p; if (numeric_output < NUMERIC_ALL) { p = getprotobynumber(mpz_get_uint8(expr->value)); if (p != NULL) { printf("%s", p->p_name); return; } } integer_type_print(expr); } static struct error_record *inet_protocol_type_parse(const struct expr *sym, struct expr **res) { struct protoent *p; uint8_t proto; uintmax_t i; char *end; errno = 0; i = strtoumax(sym->identifier, &end, 0); if (sym->identifier != end && *end == '\0') { if (errno == ERANGE || i > UINT8_MAX) return error(&sym->location, "Protocol out of range"); proto = i; } else { p = getprotobyname(sym->identifier); if (p == NULL) return error(&sym->location, "Could not resolve protocol name"); proto = p->p_proto; } *res = constant_expr_alloc(&sym->location, &inet_protocol_type, BYTEORDER_HOST_ENDIAN, BITS_PER_BYTE, &proto); return NULL; } const struct datatype inet_protocol_type = { .type = TYPE_INET_PROTOCOL, .name = "inet_proto", .desc = "Internet protocol", .size = BITS_PER_BYTE, .basetype = &integer_type, .print = inet_protocol_type_print, .parse = inet_protocol_type_parse, }; static void inet_service_type_print(const struct expr *expr) { struct sockaddr_in sin = { .sin_family = AF_INET }; char buf[NI_MAXSERV]; int err; sin.sin_port = mpz_get_be16(expr->value); err = getnameinfo((struct sockaddr *)&sin, sizeof(sin), NULL, 0, buf, sizeof(buf), numeric_output < NUMERIC_PORT ? 0 : NI_NUMERICSERV); if (err != 0) { getnameinfo((struct sockaddr *)&sin, sizeof(sin), NULL, 0, buf, sizeof(buf), NI_NUMERICSERV); } printf("%s", buf); } static struct error_record *inet_service_type_parse(const struct expr *sym, struct expr **res) { struct addrinfo *ai; uint16_t port; uintmax_t i; int err; char *end; errno = 0; i = strtoumax(sym->identifier, &end, 0); if (sym->identifier != end && *end == '\0') { if (errno == ERANGE || i > UINT16_MAX) return error(&sym->location, "Service out of range"); port = htons(i); } else { err = getaddrinfo(NULL, sym->identifier, NULL, &ai); if (err != 0) return error(&sym->location, "Could not resolve service: %s", gai_strerror(err)); port = ((struct sockaddr_in *)ai->ai_addr)->sin_port; freeaddrinfo(ai); } *res = constant_expr_alloc(&sym->location, &inet_service_type, BYTEORDER_BIG_ENDIAN, sizeof(port) * BITS_PER_BYTE, &port); return NULL; } const struct datatype inet_service_type = { .type = TYPE_INET_SERVICE, .name = "inet_service", .desc = "internet network service", .byteorder = BYTEORDER_BIG_ENDIAN, .size = 2 * BITS_PER_BYTE, .basetype = &integer_type, .print = inet_service_type_print, .parse = inet_service_type_parse, }; #define RT_SYM_TAB_INITIAL_SIZE 16 struct symbol_table *rt_symbol_table_init(const char *filename) { struct symbolic_constant s; struct symbol_table *tbl; unsigned int size, nelems, val; char buf[512], namebuf[512], *p; FILE *f; size = RT_SYM_TAB_INITIAL_SIZE; tbl = xmalloc(sizeof(*tbl) + size * sizeof(s)); nelems = 0; f = fopen(filename, "r"); if (f == NULL) goto out; while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f)) { p = buf; while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t') p++; if (*p == '#' || *p == '\n' || *p == '\0') continue; if (sscanf(p, "0x%x %511s\n", &val, namebuf) != 2 && sscanf(p, "0x%x %511s #", &val, namebuf) != 2 && sscanf(p, "%u %511s\n", &val, namebuf) != 2 && sscanf(p, "%u %511s #", &val, namebuf) != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "iproute database '%s' corrupted\n", filename); break; } /* One element is reserved for list terminator */ if (nelems == size - 2) { size *= 2; tbl = xrealloc(tbl, sizeof(*tbl) + size * sizeof(s)); } tbl->symbols[nelems].identifier = xstrdup(namebuf); tbl->symbols[nelems].value = val; nelems++; } fclose(f); out: tbl->symbols[nelems] = SYMBOL_LIST_END; return tbl; } void rt_symbol_table_free(struct symbol_table *tbl) { const struct symbolic_constant *s; for (s = tbl->symbols; s->identifier != NULL; s++) xfree(s->identifier); xfree(tbl); } static struct symbol_table *mark_tbl; static void __init mark_table_init(void) { mark_tbl = rt_symbol_table_init("/etc/iproute2/rt_marks"); } static void __exit mark_table_exit(void) { rt_symbol_table_free(mark_tbl); } static void mark_type_print(const struct expr *expr) { return symbolic_constant_print(mark_tbl, expr); } static struct error_record *mark_type_parse(const struct expr *sym, struct expr **res) { return symbolic_constant_parse(sym, mark_tbl, res); } const struct datatype mark_type = { .type = TYPE_MARK, .name = "mark", .desc = "packet mark", .size = 4 * BITS_PER_BYTE, .byteorder = BYTEORDER_HOST_ENDIAN, .basetype = &integer_type, .basefmt = "0x%.8Zx", .print = mark_type_print, .parse = mark_type_parse, .flags = DTYPE_F_PREFIX, }; static const struct symbol_table icmp_code_tbl = { .symbols = { SYMBOL("net-unreachable", ICMP_NET_UNREACH), SYMBOL("host-unreachable", ICMP_HOST_UNREACH), SYMBOL("prot-unreachable", ICMP_PROT_UNREACH), SYMBOL("port-unreachable", ICMP_PORT_UNREACH), SYMBOL("net-prohibited", ICMP_NET_ANO), SYMBOL("host-prohibited", ICMP_HOST_ANO), SYMBOL("admin-prohibited", ICMP_PKT_FILTERED), SYMBOL_LIST_END }, }; const struct datatype icmp_code_type = { .type = TYPE_ICMP_CODE, .name = "icmp_code", .desc = "icmp code", .size = BITS_PER_BYTE, .byteorder = BYTEORDER_BIG_ENDIAN, .basetype = &integer_type, .sym_tbl = &icmp_code_tbl, }; static const struct symbol_table icmpv6_code_tbl = { .symbols = { SYMBOL("no-route", ICMP6_DST_UNREACH_NOROUTE), SYMBOL("admin-prohibited", ICMP6_DST_UNREACH_ADMIN), SYMBOL("addr-unreachable", ICMP6_DST_UNREACH_ADDR), SYMBOL("port-unreachable", ICMP6_DST_UNREACH_NOPORT), SYMBOL_LIST_END }, }; const struct datatype icmpv6_code_type = { .type = TYPE_ICMPV6_CODE, .name = "icmpv6_code", .desc = "icmpv6 code", .size = BITS_PER_BYTE, .byteorder = BYTEORDER_BIG_ENDIAN, .basetype = &integer_type, .sym_tbl = &icmpv6_code_tbl, }; static const struct symbol_table icmpx_code_tbl = { .symbols = { SYMBOL("port-unreachable", NFT_REJECT_ICMPX_PORT_UNREACH), SYMBOL("admin-prohibited", NFT_REJECT_ICMPX_ADMIN_PROHIBITED), SYMBOL("no-route", NFT_REJECT_ICMPX_NO_ROUTE), SYMBOL("host-unreachable", NFT_REJECT_ICMPX_HOST_UNREACH), SYMBOL_LIST_END }, }; const struct datatype icmpx_code_type = { .type = TYPE_ICMPX_CODE, .name = "icmpx_code", .desc = "icmpx code", .size = BITS_PER_BYTE, .byteorder = BYTEORDER_BIG_ENDIAN, .basetype = &integer_type, .sym_tbl = &icmpx_code_tbl, }; static void time_type_print(const struct expr *expr) { uint64_t days, hours, minutes, seconds; seconds = mpz_get_uint64(expr->value); days = seconds / 86400; seconds %= 86400; hours = seconds / 3600; seconds %= 3600; minutes = seconds / 60; seconds %= 60; printf("\""); if (days > 0) printf("%"PRIu64"d", days); if (hours > 0) printf("%"PRIu64"h", hours); if (minutes > 0) printf("%"PRIu64"m", minutes); if (seconds > 0) printf("%"PRIu64"s", seconds); printf("\""); } enum { DAY = (1 << 0), HOUR = (1 << 1), MIN = (1 << 2), SECS = (1 << 3), }; static uint32_t str2int(char *tmp, const char *c, int k) { if (k == 0) return 0; strncpy(tmp, c-k, k+1); return atoi(tmp); } static struct error_record *time_type_parse(const struct expr *sym, struct expr **res) { int i, len; unsigned int k = 0; char tmp[8]; const char *c; uint64_t d = 0, h = 0, m = 0, s = 0; uint32_t mask = 0; c = sym->identifier; len = strlen(c); for (i = 0; i < len; i++, c++) { switch (*c) { case 'd': if (mask & DAY) { return error(&sym->location, "Day has been specified twice"); } d = str2int(tmp, c, k); k = 0; mask |= DAY; break; case 'h': if (mask & HOUR) { return error(&sym->location, "Hour has been specified twice"); } h = str2int(tmp, c, k); k = 0; if (h > 23) { return error(&sym->location, "Hour needs to be 0-23"); } mask |= HOUR; break; case 'm': if (mask & MIN) { return error(&sym->location, "Minute has been specified twice"); } m = str2int(tmp, c, k); k = 0; if (m > 59) { return error(&sym->location, "Minute needs to be 0-59"); } mask |= MIN; break; case 's': if (mask & SECS) { return error(&sym->location, "Second has been specified twice"); } s = str2int(tmp, c, k); k = 0; if (s > 59) { return error(&sym->location, "second needs to be 0-59"); } mask |= SECS; break; default: if (!isdigit(*c)) return error(&sym->location, "wrong format"); if (k++ >= array_size(tmp)) { return error(&sym->location, "value too large"); } break; } } /* default to seconds if no unit was specified */ if (!mask) s = atoi(sym->identifier); else s = 24*60*60*d+60*60*h+60*m+s; if (s > UINT32_MAX) return error(&sym->location, "value too large"); *res = constant_expr_alloc(&sym->location, &time_type, BYTEORDER_HOST_ENDIAN, sizeof(uint32_t) * BITS_PER_BYTE, &s); return NULL; } const struct datatype time_type = { .type = TYPE_TIME, .name = "time", .desc = "relative time", .byteorder = BYTEORDER_HOST_ENDIAN, .size = 8 * BITS_PER_BYTE, .basetype = &integer_type, .print = time_type_print, .parse = time_type_parse, }; static struct error_record *concat_type_parse(const struct expr *sym, struct expr **res) { return error(&sym->location, "invalid data type, expected %s", sym->dtype->desc); } static struct datatype *dtype_alloc(void) { struct datatype *dtype; dtype = xzalloc(sizeof(*dtype)); dtype->flags = DTYPE_F_ALLOC; return dtype; } const struct datatype *concat_type_alloc(const struct expr *expr) { struct datatype *dtype; struct expr *i; char desc[256] = "concatenation of ("; char name[256] = ""; unsigned int type = 0, size = 0; list_for_each_entry(i, &expr->expressions, list) { if (size != 0) { strncat(desc, ", ", sizeof(desc) - strlen(desc) - 1); strncat(name, " . ", sizeof(name) - strlen(name) - 1); } strncat(desc, i->dtype->desc, sizeof(desc) - strlen(desc) - 1); strncat(name, i->dtype->name, sizeof(name) - strlen(name) - 1); type <<= 8; type |= i->dtype->type; size++; } strncat(desc, ")", sizeof(desc) - strlen(desc) - 1); dtype = dtype_alloc(); dtype->type = type; dtype->size = size; dtype->name = xstrdup(name); dtype->desc = xstrdup(desc); dtype->parse = concat_type_parse; return dtype; } void concat_type_destroy(const struct datatype *dtype) { if (dtype->flags & DTYPE_F_ALLOC) { xfree(dtype->name); xfree(dtype->desc); xfree(dtype); } }