#!/bin/bash set -e $NFT add table test $NFT add chain test input $NFT add quota test https-quota 25 mbytes $NFT add ct helper test cthelp { type \"sip\" protocol tcp \; } if [ "$NFT_TEST_HAVE_cttimeout" != n ] ; then $NFT add ct timeout test cttime { protocol udp \; policy = {replied : 12, unreplied : 15 } \; } fi if [ "$NFT_TEST_HAVE_ctexpect" != n ] ; then $NFT add ct expectation test ctexpect { protocol tcp \; dport 5432 \; timeout 1h \; size 12 \; } fi if [ "$NFT_TEST_HAVE_cttimeout" = n ] ; then echo "Ran partial test due to NFT_TEST_HAVE_cttimeout=n (skipped)" exit 77 fi if [ "$NFT_TEST_HAVE_ctexpect" = n ] ; then echo "Ran partial test due to NFT_TEST_HAVE_ctexpect=n (skipped)" exit 77 fi