#!/bin/bash # support for strings and integers in named maps. # without typeof, this is 'type string' and 'type integer', # but neither could be used because it lacks size information. set -e die() { printf '%s\n' "$*" exit 1 } INPUT_OSF_CT=" ct mark set osf name map @m1" if [ "$NFT_TEST_HAVE_osf" = n ] ; then INPUT_OSF_CT= fi INPUT="table inet t { map m1 { typeof osf name : ct mark elements = { Linux : 0x00000001 } } map m2 { typeof vlan id : mark elements = { 1 : 0x1, 4095 : 0x4095 } } map m3 { typeof ip saddr . ip daddr : meta mark elements = { . : 0x00000001, . : 0x00000002 } } map m4 { typeof iifname . ip protocol . th dport : verdict elements = { eth0 . tcp . 22 : accept } } map m5 { typeof ipsec in reqid . meta iifname : verdict elements = { 23 . eth0 : accept } } chain c {$INPUT_OSF_CT ether type vlan meta mark set vlan id map @m2 meta mark set ip saddr . ip daddr map @m3 iifname . ip protocol . th dport vmap @m4 iifname . ip protocol . th dport vmap { \"eth0\" . tcp . 22 : accept, \"eth1\" . udp . 67 : drop } ipsec in reqid . meta iifname vmap @m5 } }" EXPECTED="table inet t { map m1 { typeof osf name : ct mark elements = { \"Linux\" : 0x00000001 } } map m2 { typeof vlan id : meta mark elements = { 1 : 0x00000001, 4095 : 0x00004095 } } map m3 { typeof ip saddr . ip daddr : meta mark elements = { . : 0x00000001, . : 0x00000002 } } map m4 { typeof iifname . ip protocol . th dport : verdict elements = { \"eth0\" . tcp . 22 : accept } } map m5 { typeof ipsec in reqid . iifname : verdict elements = { 23 . \"eth0\" : accept } } chain c {$INPUT_OSF_CT meta mark set vlan id map @m2 meta mark set ip saddr . ip daddr map @m3 iifname . ip protocol . th dport vmap @m4 iifname . ip protocol . th dport vmap { \"eth0\" . tcp . 22 : accept, \"eth1\" . udp . 67 : drop } ipsec in reqid . iifname vmap @m5 } }" $NFT -f - <<< "$INPUT" || die $'nft command failed to process input:\n'">$INPUT<" $DIFF -u <($NFT list ruleset) - <<<"$EXPECTED" || die $'diff failed between ruleset and expected data.\nExpected:\n'">$EXPECTED<" if [ "$NFT_TEST_HAVE_osf" = n ] ; then echo "Partial test due to NFT_TEST_HAVE_osf=n. Skip" exit 77 fi