/* ulogd_PGSQL.c, Version $Revision$ * * ulogd output plugin for logging to a PGSQL database * * (C) 2000-2005 by Harald Welte * This software is distributed under the terms of GNU GPL * * This plugin is based on the MySQL plugin made by Harald Welte. * The support PostgreSQL were made by Jakab Laszlo. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef DEBUG_PGSQL #define DEBUGP(x, args...) fprintf(stderr, x, ## args) #else #define DEBUGP(x, args...) #endif struct _field { char name[ULOGD_MAX_KEYLEN]; unsigned int id; unsigned int str; struct _field *next; }; /* the database handle we are using */ static PGconn *dbh; /* a linked list of the fields the table has */ static struct _field *fields; /* buffer for our insert statement */ static char *stmt; /* size of our insert statement buffer */ static size_t stmt_siz; /* pointer to the beginning of the "VALUES" part */ static char *stmt_val; /* pointer to current inser position in statement */ static char *stmt_ins; /* our configuration directives */ static config_entry_t db_ce = { .key = "db", .type = CONFIG_TYPE_STRING, .options = CONFIG_OPT_MANDATORY, }; static config_entry_t host_ce = { .next = &db_ce, .key = "host", .type = CONFIG_TYPE_STRING, .options = CONFIG_OPT_NONE, }; static config_entry_t user_ce = { .next = &host_ce, .key = "user", .type = CONFIG_TYPE_STRING, .options = CONFIG_OPT_MANDATORY, }; static config_entry_t pass_ce = { .next = &user_ce, .key = "pass", .type = CONFIG_TYPE_STRING, .options = CONFIG_OPT_NONE, }; static config_entry_t table_ce = { .next = &pass_ce, .key = "table", .type = CONFIG_TYPE_STRING, .options = CONFIG_OPT_MANDATORY, }; static config_entry_t schema_ce = { .next = &table_ce, .key = "schema", .type = CONFIG_TYPE_STRING, .options = CONFIG_OPT_NONE, .u = { .string = "public" }, }; static config_entry_t port_ce = { .next = &schema_ce, .key = "port", .type = CONFIG_TYPE_INT, .options = CONFIG_OPT_NONE, }; static unsigned char pgsql_have_schemas; #define STMT_ADD(pos,fmt...) \ do { \ if ((pos) >= stmt && stmt_siz > (pos) - stmt) \ snprintf((pos), stmt_siz-((pos)-stmt), ##fmt); \ } while(0) /* our main output function, called by ulogd */ static int pgsql_output(ulog_iret_t *result) { struct _field *f; ulog_iret_t *res; PGresult *pgres; #ifdef IP_AS_STRING char *tmpstr; /* need this for --log-ip-as-string */ struct in_addr addr; #endif size_t esclen; if( stmt_val == NULL) return 1; stmt_ins = stmt_val; for (f = fields; f; f = f->next) { res = keyh_getres(f->id); if (!res) { ulogd_log(ULOGD_NOTICE, "no result for %s ?!?\n", f->name); } if (!res || !IS_VALID((*res))) { /* no result, we have to fake something */ STMT_ADD(stmt_ins, "NULL,"); stmt_ins = stmt + strlen(stmt); continue; } switch (res->type) { case ULOGD_RET_INT8: STMT_ADD(stmt_ins, "%d,", res->value.i8); break; case ULOGD_RET_INT16: STMT_ADD(stmt_ins, "%d,", res->value.i16); break; case ULOGD_RET_INT32: STMT_ADD(stmt_ins, "%d,", res->value.i32); break; case ULOGD_RET_INT64: STMT_ADD(stmt_ins, "%"PRId64",",res->value.i64); break; case ULOGD_RET_UINT8: STMT_ADD(stmt_ins, "%u,", res->value.ui8); break; case ULOGD_RET_UINT16: STMT_ADD(stmt_ins, "%u,", res->value.ui16); break; case ULOGD_RET_IPADDR: #ifdef IP_AS_STRING if (f->str) { addr.s_addr = ntohl(res->value.ui32); tmpstr = (char *)inet_ntoa(addr); esclen = (strlen(tmpstr)*2) + 4; if (stmt_siz <= (stmt_ins-stmt)+esclen) { STMT_ADD(stmt_ins,"'',"); break; } *stmt_ins++ = '\''; PQescapeString(stmt_ins,tmpstr, strlen(tmpstr)); stmt_ins = stmt + strlen(stmt); STMT_ADD(stmt_ins, "',"); break; } #endif /* IP_AS_STRING */ /* EVIL: fallthrough when logging IP as * u_int32_t */ case ULOGD_RET_UINT32: STMT_ADD(stmt_ins, "%u,", res->value.ui32); break; case ULOGD_RET_UINT64: STMT_ADD(stmt_ins,"%"PRIu64",",res->value.ui64); break; case ULOGD_RET_BOOL: STMT_ADD(stmt_ins, "'%d',", res->value.b); break; case ULOGD_RET_STRING: esclen = (strlen(res->value.ptr)*2) + 4; if (stmt_siz <= (stmt_ins-stmt) + esclen) { STMT_ADD(stmt_ins, "'',"); break; } *stmt_ins++ = '\''; PQescapeString(stmt_ins,res->value.ptr, strlen(res->value.ptr)); stmt_ins = stmt + strlen(stmt); STMT_ADD(stmt_ins, "',"); break; case ULOGD_RET_RAW: ulogd_log(ULOGD_NOTICE, "%s: pgsql doesn't support type RAW\n", res->key); STMT_ADD(stmt_ins, "NULL,"); break; default: ulogd_log(ULOGD_NOTICE, "unknown type %d for %s\n", res->type, res->key); break; } stmt_ins = stmt + strlen(stmt); } *(stmt_ins - 1) = ')'; DEBUGP("stmt=#%s#\n", stmt); /* now we have created our statement, insert it */ /* Added code by Jaki */ pgres = PQexec(dbh, stmt); if(!pgres || PQresultStatus(pgres) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK) { ulogd_log(ULOGD_ERROR, "sql error during insert: %s\n", PQresultErrorMessage(pgres)); return 1; } PQclear(pgres); return 0; } #define PGSQL_HAVE_NAMESPACE_TEMPLATE \ "SELECT nspname FROM pg_namespace n WHERE n.nspname='%s'" /* Determine if server support schemas */ static int pgsql_namespace(void) { PGresult *result; char pgbuf[strlen(PGSQL_HAVE_NAMESPACE_TEMPLATE)+ strlen(schema_ce.u.string)+1]; if (!dbh) return 1; snprintf(pgbuf, sizeof(pgbuf), PGSQL_HAVE_NAMESPACE_TEMPLATE, schema_ce.u.string); ulogd_log(ULOGD_DEBUG, "%s\n", pgbuf); result = PQexec(dbh, pgbuf); if (!result) { ulogd_log(ULOGD_DEBUG, "\n result false"); return 1; } if (PQresultStatus(result) == PGRES_TUPLES_OK) { ulogd_log(ULOGD_DEBUG, "using schema %s\n", schema_ce.u.string); pgsql_have_schemas = 1; } else { pgsql_have_schemas = 0; } PQclear(result); return 0; } #define PGSQL_INSERTTEMPL "insert into X (Y) values (Z)" #define PGSQL_VALSIZE 100 /* create the static part of our insert statement */ static int pgsql_createstmt(void) { struct _field *f; char buf[ULOGD_MAX_KEYLEN]; char *underscore; if (stmt) { ulogd_log(ULOGD_NOTICE, "createstmt called, but stmt" " already existing\n"); return 1; } /* caclulate the size for the insert statement */ stmt_siz = strlen(PGSQL_INSERTTEMPL) + strlen(table_ce.u.string) + strlen(schema_ce.u.string) + 1; for (f = fields; f; f = f->next) { /* we need space for the key and a comma, as well as * enough space for the values */ stmt_siz += strlen(f->name) + 1 + PGSQL_VALSIZE; } ulogd_log(ULOGD_DEBUG, "allocating %u bytes for statement\n", stmt_siz); stmt = (char *) malloc(stmt_siz); if (!stmt) { stmt_siz = 0; ulogd_log(ULOGD_ERROR, "OOM!\n"); return 1; } if (pgsql_have_schemas) { snprintf(stmt, stmt_siz, "insert into %s.%s (", schema_ce.u.string, table_ce.u.string); } else { snprintf(stmt, stmt_siz, "insert into %s (", table_ce.u.string); } stmt_val = stmt + strlen(stmt); for (f = fields; f; f = f->next) { strncpy(buf, f->name, ULOGD_MAX_KEYLEN-1); buf[ULOGD_MAX_KEYLEN-1] = '\0'; while ((underscore = strchr(buf, '.'))) *underscore = '_'; STMT_ADD(stmt_val, "%s,", buf); stmt_val = stmt + strlen(stmt); } *(stmt_val - 1) = ')'; STMT_ADD(stmt_val, " values ("); stmt_val = stmt + strlen(stmt); ulogd_log(ULOGD_DEBUG, "stmt='%s'\n", stmt); return 0; } #define PGSQL_GETCOLUMN_TEMPLATE \ "SELECT a.attname,t.typname FROM pg_class c, pg_attribute a, "\ "pg_type t WHERE c.relname ='%s' AND a.attnum>0 AND a.attrelid="\ "c.oid AND a.atttypid=t.oid ORDER BY a.attnum" #define PGSQL_GETCOLUMN_TEMPLATE_SCHEMA "SELECT a.attname,t.typname FROM "\ "pg_attribute a, pg_type t, pg_class c LEFT JOIN pg_namespace n ON "\ "c.relnamespace=n.oid WHERE c.relname ='%s' AND n.nspname='%s' AND "\ "a.attnum>0 AND a.attrelid=c.oid AND a.atttypid=t.oid AND "\ "a.attisdropped=FALSE ORDER BY a.attnum" /* find out which columns the table has */ static int pgsql_get_columns(const char *table) { PGresult *result; char buf[ULOGD_MAX_KEYLEN]; char pgbuf[strlen(PGSQL_GETCOLUMN_TEMPLATE_SCHEMA)+ strlen(table)+strlen(schema_ce.u.string)+2]; char *underscore; struct _field *f; int id; int intaux; char *typename; if (!dbh) return 1; if (pgsql_have_schemas) { snprintf(pgbuf, sizeof(pgbuf)-1, PGSQL_GETCOLUMN_TEMPLATE_SCHEMA, table, schema_ce.u.string); } else { snprintf(pgbuf, sizeof(pgbuf)-1, PGSQL_GETCOLUMN_TEMPLATE, table); } ulogd_log(ULOGD_DEBUG, "%s\n", pgbuf); result = PQexec(dbh, pgbuf); if (!result) { ulogd_log(ULOGD_DEBUG, "\n result false"); return 1; } if (PQresultStatus(result) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK) { ulogd_log(ULOGD_DEBUG, "\n pres_command_not_ok"); return 1; } for (intaux=0; intauxname, buf, ULOGD_MAX_KEYLEN-1); f->name[ULOGD_MAX_KEYLEN-1] = '\0'; f->id = id; f->str = 0; if( (typename = PQgetvalue(result, intaux, 1)) != NULL) { if(strcmp(typename, "inet") == 0 || strstr(typename, "char") != NULL) f->str = 1; } f->next = fields; fields = f; } PQclear(result); return 0; } static int exit_nicely(PGconn *conn) { PQfinish(conn); return 0;; } /* make connection and select database */ static int pgsql_open_db(char *server, int port, char *user, char *pass, char *db) { int len; char *connstr; /* 80 is more than what we need for the fixed parts below */ len = 80 + strlen(user) + strlen(db); /* hostname and and password are the only optionals */ if (server) len += strlen(server); if (pass) len += strlen(pass); if (port) len += 20; connstr = (char *) malloc(len+1); if (!connstr) return 1; *connstr = '\0'; if (server) { strncat(connstr, " host=", len-strlen(connstr)); strncat(connstr, server, len-strlen(connstr)); } if (port) { char portbuf[20]; snprintf(portbuf, sizeof(portbuf), " port=%u", port); strncat(connstr, portbuf, len-strlen(connstr)); } strncat(connstr, " dbname=", len-strlen(connstr)); strncat(connstr, db, len-strlen(connstr)); strncat(connstr, " user=", len-strlen(connstr)); strncat(connstr, user, len-strlen(connstr)); if (pass) { strncat(connstr, " password=", len-strlen(connstr)); strncat(connstr, pass, len-strlen(connstr)); } dbh = PQconnectdb(connstr); free(connstr); if (PQstatus(dbh)!=CONNECTION_OK) { exit_nicely(dbh); dbh = NULL; return 1; } return 0; } static int pgsql_init(void) { /* have the opts parsed */ config_parse_file("PGSQL", &port_ce); if (pgsql_open_db(host_ce.u.string, port_ce.u.value, user_ce.u.string, pass_ce.u.string, db_ce.u.string)) { ulogd_log(ULOGD_ERROR, "can't establish database connection\n"); return 1; } if (pgsql_namespace()) { PQfinish(dbh); dbh = NULL; ulogd_log(ULOGD_ERROR, "unable to test for pgsql schemas\n"); return 1; } /* read the fieldnames to know which values to insert */ if (pgsql_get_columns(table_ce.u.string)) { PQfinish(dbh); dbh = NULL; ulogd_log(ULOGD_ERROR, "unable to get pgsql columns\n"); return 1; } if (pgsql_createstmt()) { PQfinish(dbh); dbh = NULL; return 1; } return 0; } static void pgsql_fini(void) { if (dbh) PQfinish(dbh); if (stmt) { free(stmt); stmt = NULL; stmt_val = NULL; } } static ulog_output_t pgsql_plugin = { .name = "pgsql", .output = &pgsql_output, .init = &pgsql_init, .fini = &pgsql_fini, }; void _init(void) { register_output(&pgsql_plugin); }